hassan rouhani

Iranian president accuses US of 'savagery' after sanctions cost country $150B

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani accused the US of “savagery” Saturday for imposing sanctions that have caused Iranians $150 billion in damages. He also urged Iranians to aim their fury at...

Iran says it wouldn't fire first shot against US as tensions escalate

Iran says it won't fire first. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said his country was keeping a close eye on US activities in the region, but would never be the first...

Iranian president rejects idea of new 'Trump deal' on nukes

British PM Boris Johnson suggested all sides scrap the 2015 nuclear accord in favor of a new "Trump deal."

How Venezuela could help Iran mount an attack against America

If Tehran plans further retaliation for Qassem Soleimani’s elimination, Venezuela could pose a threat.

Iranian commander vows 'harsher revenge' against US after missile strikes

Iranian officials on Thursday appeared to contradict President Trump's assertion that Tehran was "standing down" after launching missile attacks at Iraqi bases, with a top military commander vowing "harsher revenge"...

Iran officials hint at possible attacks on Trump properties

Senior Iranian officials are using Twitter to hint at threats against President Trump’s properties -- including his Mar-a-lago resort in Florida and Trump Tower in Manhattan

Iran racked by protests after massive gas price hike

Protests broke out throughout Iran Saturday after the government moved to effectively hike the price of gasoline by 50 percent overnight. Angry protesters parked cars in the streets to block...

Iran announces huge new oil field and digs at US sanctions

Iran on Sunday claimed to have found a new oil field that would boost its supply by a third -- delivering the news with a shot at US sanctions. "I...

Iran to inject uranium into centrifuges, moving further from 2015 nuclear accord

Iran will begin injecting uranium gas into more than a thousand centrifuges at one of its nuclear plants, the country's president said Tuesday, marking another step away from the landmark...

Iran appears to bend in standoff with US over 2015 nuclear deal

Iran hinted at possible concessions to end its diplomatic standoff with Washington, including providing reassurances it will not seek nuclear arms and accept changes to its pact with the US...

Boris Johnson blames Iran for attack on Saudi oil facilities

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson blamed Iran for the attacks on Saudi oil facilities ​and said the United Kingdom is considering joining a US-led military effort to bolster the kingdom's...

Iran warns Western nations to 'stay away' from the Persian Gulf

Iran's president on Sunday warned Western nations to "stay away" from the Persian Gulf and said Tehran was working with regional partners to develop a security plan for the international...

Trump has 'no intention' of meeting with Iranian leader at UN

​President Trump on Sunday said he has "no intention" of meeting with Iranian officials when world leaders gather at the United Nations this week. ​ ​"Nothing is ever off the...

Iranian leader won't meet with Trump as oil prices surge

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani will not meet with President Trump at the United Nations even as tensions escalate in the region and ​global oil prices skyrocketed after an attack on...

Iranian president: No talks with US until sanctions lifted

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani threw cold water Tuesday on President Trump’s suggestion that the two could meet to try to end a nuclear standoff -- saying the US must “take...

Trump open to renewed nuclear talks with Iran under 'right circumstances'

President Trump on Monday said he might be willing to meet with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani down the road should the Muslim theocracy change its behavior. “If the circumstances were...

Iran calls US sanctions against its foreign minister 'childish'

Iran called the Trump administration's slapping of economic sanctions on the country's foreign minister "childish" and said they create another obstacle to finding a diplomatic resolution to the escalating tensions...

Trump pushes back on Iran nuke threat

President Trump on Wednesday punched back at Iranian President Hassan Rouhani after he defiantly declared that his country would increase the level of enriched uranium by “any amount we want,”...

Trump threatens Iran with 'obliteration' after leader's barb

Apparently stung by the Iranian president’s barb that his White House was “mentally retarded,” an angry President Trump on Tuesday again threatened the country with “obliteration.” “Iran’s very ignorant and...

Iranian president: The White House is 'mentally retarded'

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani slammed the US sanctions against Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei as “outrageous and idiotic” because the cleric has no assets abroad. "The White House actions mean...