harry reid

How 'crazy' UFO-believing Pentagon bosses missed spy craft for years

The Pentagon program, meant to look into foreign adversaries' aerospace technology, spent years misleading a credulous media and an oblivious Congress in its hunt for UFOs and monsters.

Letters to the Editor — Oct. 22, 2022

Post readers sound off Miranda Devine’s column on how intel-community bigs slandered The Post’s Hunter Biden reporting.

Harry Reid lies in state at Capitol — Schumer, Pelosi lead tributes

Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid became the 34th person to lie in state in the US Capitol Rotunda Wednesday.

Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid lies in state at US Capitol

Harry Reid, a former Democratic Senate Majority Leader from Nevada, died on Dec. 28 after a long battle with pancreatic cancer.

Obama, Biden pay tribute to Sen. Harry Reid at Las Vegas memorial service

Top Democrats flocked to Las Vegas on Saturday for a memorial service to honor the late Sen. Harry Reid.

Harry Reid broke the Senate and other commentary

Libertarian: How Harry Reid Broke the Senate The late Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) “was one of the most influential Democratic politicians of the last four decades,” admits James...

Former Senate Majority Leader Reid will lie in Capitol Rotunda on Jan. 12

Former Senate Majority Leaders Harry Reid, who died last week at the age of 82, will lie in state in the United States Capitol Rotunda on Jan. 12.

Biden orders flags to half-staff to honor 'man of action' Sen. Harry Reid

President Biden ordered American flags on federal property to be lowered to half-staff on the day former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is buried.

Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's life in photos

A look at the life of longtime politician Senator Harry Reid, who died on December 28, 2021. He was 82 years old.

Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid passes away at 82

Reid, a Nevada Democrat, served in Congress from 1983 until his retirement in 2017. He became majority leader in 2007 and served in that position until 2015.

Former Sen. Harry Reid thinks Lockheed Martin may have UFO fragments

Former Nevada Sen. Harry Reid believes US defense contractor Lockheed Martin may have once had fragments of a crashed UFO in its possession, it was revealed Friday. Reid, 81, told...

Nevada jockeys to be first on presidential primary calendar

LAS VEGAS — Democrats in Nevada are making a play to bump Iowa and New Hampshire from their early spots on the presidential primary calendar. If successful, it would upend...

Harry Reid claims US government is hiding key evidence of UFO encounters

The truth is out there — it's just being covered up. The US government has key evidence of possible close encounters with UFOs but has been hiding it for years,...

Nevada congressman admits to affair with intern after podcast exposé

A married Nevada congressman has admitted having a longstanding affair with a former intern calling herself "Love Jones" -- after she exposed him in an explosive series of podcasts. Rep....

Harry Reid slams Bernie's Medicare-for-all plan

Harry Reid spoke out against Democratic front-runner Sen. Bernie Sanders' signature campaign proposal, Medicare-for-all, saying there was "not a chance in hell it would pass" in Congress.

Thanks for the judges, Harry Reid, and other commentary

Conservative: Thanks for the Judges, Harry! With Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s help, President Trump has appointed federal judges at “about twice the rate of his three predecessors,” notes The...

Trump rips Harry Reid over critical comments about presidency

President Trump retaliated on Twitter against Harry Reid after the former Senate leader said Trump makes former President George W. Bush look like the Babe Ruth of commanders-in-chief. "Former Senator...

Trump cites Harry Reid quote in bid to end birthright citizenship

President Trump on Wednesday reached back 25 years to Democratic Sen. Harry Reid's comments that "no sane country" would support birthright citizenship to bolster his effort to strip that guarantee...

Harry Reid being treated for pancreatic cancer

Harry Reid, the former Senate majority leader, is receiving treatment for pancreatic cancer, a report said Monday. Reid, a Democrat from Nevada, underwent surgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore,...

Harry Reid's X-files, Trump's conventional nuke policy and other comments

From the right: Trump’s Conventional Nuclear Policy Democrats’ hysteria over President Trump as commander-in-chief has gone nuclear, reports Noah Rothman at Commentary. John Wolfsthal, former President Barack Obama’s point man...