hank greenberg

Judge says Spitzer 'acted with actual malice' vs. AIG's ex-CEO

Maurice “Hank” Greenberg, former chief executive of American International Group, may pursue large parts of his defamation lawsuit against former New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, a New York state...

Hank Greenberg loses appeal over AIG's 2008 bailout

Maurice “Hank” Greenberg is on a losing streak. In another blow to AIG’s 92-year old former CEO, a federal appeals court on Tuesday threw out an earlier ruling that the...

Ex-AIG boss wants apology from Schneiderman for fraud suit

Maurice “Hank” Greenberg on Monday demanded an apology from New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman — but he shouldn’t hold his breath. Greenberg, the insurance industry legend who led AIG...

Hank Greenberg admits to AIG sham and settles fraud suit

In a shocking end to a nearly 12-year legal battle, insurance industry legend Maurice “Hank” Greenberg on Friday admitted he “initiated, participated in and approved” two sham transactions in 2000...

Ex-AIG CEO has private meeting with Trump

The enemy of Donald Trump’s enemy is his friend. Ex-AIG CEO Hank Greenberg was spotted Monday at Trump Tower, where he stopped by for a sit-down with the president-elect. Greenberg...

Prosecutors claim ex-AIG boss Hank Greenberg is a micro-managing CEO

Prosecutors on Thursday launched a legal sneak attack on Maurice “Hank” Greenberg, surprising the 91-year-old insurance executive with 15-year-old memos that they claim show he is a micro-managing CEO. The...

Ex-AIG boss Hank Greenberg gets testy on the stand

Maurice “Hank” Greenberg should get a Twitter account. Greenberg, the 91-year-old billionaire ex-AIG chief executive and veteran of two wars, appeared to give zero Fs on Tuesday as he approached...

Judge in AIG trial tells evasive Greenberg to be 'direct'

A New York state judge got testy with former AIG boss Maurice “Hank” Greenberg on Wednesday after the 91-year old billionaire evaded questions about his role in planning two questionable...

Ex-CEO Greenberg defends reputation during AIG trial

In a packed Manhattan courtroom on Tuesday, Maurice “Hank” Greenberg, a veteran of World War II and 36 years as chief executive of insurance giant AIG, faced one final mission:...

AIG trial just more proof of Clinton ties to financial hijinks

Sometimes there seems to be no more than six degrees of separation between the Clintons and any financial trick pulled over the last few decades. In the case of American...

Fraud trial of AIG boss Hank Greenberg finally gets under way

Hank Greenberg, the 91-year-old insurance industry legend, walked into the 89-year-old Manhattan state courthouse building on Tuesday to defend his reputation from state fraud charges that felt like they were...

New York finally gets its chance to go after ex-AIG chief Greenberg

After 11 years, three attorneys general, seven dropped charges and untold millions spent on legal fees, New York will finally get the chance to go toe-to-toe with former AIG chief...

Ex-AIG chief's defense firm backing former Schneiderman staffer for state Senate

Powerhouse lawyer David Boies is supporting a state Senate candidate in Manhattan who is closely tied to state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman -- who he is battling in a decade-old...

Ex-AIG CEO Hank Greenberg must face fraud trial: court

Consider it the end of the road for former AIG boss Hank Greenberg. It’s the conclusion of an epic 11-year-old legal battle involving the tough-as-nails 91-year-old, who was trying to...

AIG's Greenberg beats US, but gets no damages

Maurice “Hank” Greenberg won’t be getting his $40 billion payday. A federal judge on Monday ruled that while the Federal Reserve overstepped its bounds in 2008 by grabbing an equity...

Ex-AIG CEO Greenberg seems to have 'edge' in bailout trial

Maurice “Hank” Greenberg picked a good day to show up in court. The former AIG chairman, who appeared Wednesday for the first time at the trial over the government’s $85...

Washington's big bailout botch

It will be at least until summer before a verdict in Maurice “Hank” Greenberg’s $40 billion lawsuit over the Federal Reserve’s seizure of AIG. But already the smirk has been...

Ex-AIG CEO Greenberg faces potential fraud trial

Eric Schneiderman has Maurice “Hank” Greenberg in his sights. Greenberg, the former CEO of insurance giant AIG, failed to get a 10-year-old accounting fraud charge against him tossed, setting the...

Ex-AIG boss: Bar AG from seeking elective office for 3 years after term

New York’s attorneys general should be barred from running for governor or other elective position for at least three years after leaving office to discourage them from bringing politically motivated...

AIG case is no joke: Is there anything Fed can't do?

‘Ludicrous” is how one New York Times writer sneers at Maurice “Hank” Greenberg’s lawsuit against the United States over the Federal Reserve’s seizure of AIG, the insurance company he’d built....