
What is 'hangxiety'? The aftermath of heavy drinking is worse than a hangover

Often referred to as "hangxiety" — the one-two punch of anxiety coupled with the physical consequences of drinking alcohol — that pit-in-your-stomach unease the morning after drinking isn't all in...

Long COVID could be the reason for your bad hangovers: research

Long COVID could be the reason for your bad hangovers, research suggests.

Beer before liquor or liquor before beer? Scientists finally clear up the myth

German scientists debunked the "liquor before beer" mantra, proving that the hooch headache hits the same no matter which order one imbibes their beverages.

Super Bowl hangover? Tips for managing Monday's recovery after the big game

It may be a popular day to stay home and recover (or hide from those meetings), but it’s probably a far better idea to avoid that or at least do...

I got blind drunk and made the hangover cure breakfast — here's how it went

I went cruising for a boozing before putting this meal to the test. Was it wishful drinking?

I found a cheap hangover cure in my fridge: 'It’s a lifesaver'

"Honestly it's a life saver! I do it all the time now," Chloe Ellen said.

This anti-hangover omelet has the exact nutritional makeup to cure your morning-after illness: expert

If you over-indulged in the spiked egg nog or one to many hot toddies, you may be feeling it today.

Hangover remedies that do and don't work — for a swift recovery from holiday excess

From spiked eggnog to warm mulled wine, holiday partying can leave you in bad shape for days. Here are some options to consider for bouncing back to reality.

I'm a skincare expert — here are my 5 tips to getting rid of 'wine face'

“Continuous alcohol consumption can impair the skin’s natural ability to repair and regenerate," skin specialist and aesthetic nurse Emma Wedgwood said.

I had horrible hangovers after just 2 drinks — I was shocked to find out I had cancer

"I had spent so long worrying about what was wrong with me and having this dread that something might have been seriously wrong, and no one was going to find...

A big meal with alcohol can make your hangover worse, experts say

If you think a huge dinner will offset your headache from the bottle of wine you downed by yourself — think again.

Hangover from red wine? Science may finally be able to answer why some are left with splitting headaches

Medical experts and wine lovers have tried for years to determine what causes the debilitating result — now they believe they know.

Could this drink end hangovers forever? Remedy can prevent, sober people up in an hour, creators say

The supposed hangover quencher is supposed to be consumed as soon as you finish drinking and targets the central nervous system for "rapid alcohol detoxification."

Here's what happens to your body when you quit alcohol for 30 days

Abstaining from alcohol consumption, even just for 30 days, can provide lots of physical and mental health benefits. 

Hangover cure: Can electrolytes really relieve symptoms the morning after drinking alcohol?

For many people, enjoying a few alcoholic beverages can come at a cost — including nausea, headaches and more symptoms of morning-after hangovers.

The two surprise grocery items that cure a raging hangover: A dietitian's top tips

Forget carb-loading, chugging Pedialyte or attempting to choke down a hair of the dog.

I get six week 'hangovers' thanks to chronic migraines

A woman from the United Kingdom suffers from chronic migraines that sometimes leave her with a "six-week" hangover.

I get paid to eat food in the shower — with millions of people watching

"Showers always made me feel better, and so did eating breakfast, so I combined the two."

How to kick your Super Bowl Sunday hangover on Monday

Chances are good your boss or manager knows you’re not really sick the Monday after the big championship game.