Green New Deal

Inflation is killing vacations and other commentary

“For the past two years many Americans skipped their family vacations because of COVID restrictions or concerns,” observes Salena Zito at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

Biden's begging oil companies to produce — while wanting to bankrupt them

This week Biden's saying he’ll practically call in the army and Marines and invade the executive offices of “Big Oil” if they don’t start producing more oil and gas.

Stop New York's climate madness before it drives electric rates into orbit

Soaring prices at the pump and other grim news has been the most ominous single development for New York's future.

Hungry? Democrats say ‘eat cake’ 

In their relentless pursuit of a more Marxist America, they have abandoned the pretense of serving — or even caring about — the rest of us.

New York's climate plan will cost hundreds of billions —and Albany is trying to hide it

Public Service Commissioner John Howard recently warned that the state’s climate-action scheme will cost New Yorkers “hundreds of billions of dollars” — which Albany politicians “totally obfuscated” to push the...

‘Green New Deal’ plan will cost NYers 'hundreds of billions' in energy bills: official

New Yorkers will have to pay "hundreds of billions of dollars" in higher utility bills due to the state's “Green New Deal”-inspired plan, according to a top energy regulatory official.

Some Gov. Hochul backers rip her 'Green New Deal'-inspired plan

Gov. Kathy Hochul's climate proposal would be a "job-killing disaster" and saddle New Yorkers with "sky-high" utility bills, according to National Grid employees.

Letters to the Editor — March 7, 2022

The Issue: Western countries’ need to reduce their dependence on Russian oil and gas. The United States imports 600,000 barrels daily of Russian oil (“Make US energy indy, Joe,” Editorial,...

Want to stick it to Putin, Joe? Make the US energy independent

If you really want to help Americans — and stick it to Vladimir Putin — uncancel the Keystone pipeline and reduce punitive federal restrictions on fracking.

The Post says: Sleepy Joe must stop dreaming & face facts

Stop spinning yarns about the Green New Deal and tell your party the truth. Without energy independence, the poor pay more, the economy suffers and our enemies are emboldened. 

John Kerry just reminded us of how unserious a statesman he really is

With Ukraine suffering death and destruction at the hands of Vladimir Putin’s military, John Kerry shared his true concern about the conflict: climate.

Kansas Dem arrested for DUI while out on bail for domestic violence charge

A 21-year-old progressive state lawmaker in Kansas has been arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence — just weeks after being bailed out for alleged domestic violence, according to...

The 'green' in Build Back Better's green programs will come from YOUR pocket

The just-passed $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill includes tens of billions to fight climate change, including the largest chunk of cash ever, $47 billion, for “resilience.”

Siding with AOC, Gov. Hochul kills natural gas power projects in Queens, upstate NY

Siding with Rep. AOC and the environmental left, Gov. Kathy Hochul killed two proposed natural gas-powered projects in Queens and upstate Newburgh.

De Blasio, Stringer turn $8B in NYC pension funds over to AOC-driven Green New Deal investments

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal is now governing the future of city pension funds, Mayor Bill de Blasio and city Comptroller Scott Stringer announced Thursday.

Why NY's proposed 'Green Amendment' could devastate the state's economy

Before the environmental-rights juggernaut gets too far, let’s hope NY voters and policy experts take a more skeptical look at this dangerously seductive Green Amendment.

Big Tech censorship on climate change only hurts the nation

The language around climate change is one more area the left wants to control, especially given that trillions of dollars in spending are on the line.

The week in whoppers: Biden's arrogance, Rolling Stone's fake news and more

Diary of disturbing disinformation and dangerous delusions: This statement: "The people . . . yelling that we're interfering with free enterprise by doing something about climate change. . . . ...

Dems' green-obsessed, anti-merit agenda is a gift to China's regime

President Joe Biden claims that his horribly botched Afghan exit will allow the United States to focus on rival China and “shore up American competitiveness.”

Joe Biden just reminded the nation why the Green New Deal is just not feasible

On Monday, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ordered a “code red,” releasing a “landmark” report warning that global warming was an existential threat to humanity, “unequivocally” blaming humans...