Green New Deal

Hochul rejected by NY Senate again over Power Authority pick

The thwarted gubernatorial move punctuates a bruising six-month legislative session for Hochul that has also included the failed nomination of Hector LaSalle as chief judge.

Stop green fanatics from wrecking our national security

The Biden administration proposed a rule to force companies doing business with the Pentagon to reveal their emissions totals and set “science-based” carbon-reduction goals

Fed reserve governor tells hard truth on green nonsense

"Climate change is real, but I do not believe it poses a serious risk to the safety and soundness of large banks or the financial stability of the United States,"...

Predatory green lending, everyone fears the Prez is too old and other commentary

“Most Americans” — 63% of registered voters — “don’t believe the president is fit to serve. Now what”? asks the Washington Examiner’s Byron York.

Biden's green tax breaks for the rich driving nation deeper into red

The list price for IRA’s green tax breaks was $271 billion over the next decade. Horrible enough, but the reality is far worse.

Climate maniacs missing the forest for the trees

All the resources going into chasing "net zero" policies across the West are wasted in more ways than one.

‘Social justice’ hijacks therapy, foreign bands, stay away and other commentary

Woke watch: ‘Social Justice’ Hijacks Therapy After a “graduate student at Antioch University” criticized the school’s “radical approach to training therapists,” notes Ethan Blevins at The Hill, Antioch “issued a...

Gaslighting the country: Banning gas stoves, and going electric only, is part of left's agenda

If only there were a specific term to describe this form of psychological manipulation in which the aggressor, in this case the media and the Biden administration, attempts to sow...

Gas stove fight is more elite culture-war nonsense

There is no evidence of an association between the use of gas as a cooking fuel and either asthma symptoms or asthma diagnosis.

New York's latest step toward sky-high energy costs — and blackouts

Brace for skyrocketing electric bills and possible blackouts, New York: The state Climate Action Council voted 19-3 Monday to OK a reckless clean-energy scheme.

Biden's lunatic bid to pay 'poor nations' for 'climate reparations'

In a pathetic bid to "show results" from the latest global climate-change confab, the Biden administration signed on to a lunatic "climate reparations" scheme.

NYT columnist triggers 'performative' AOC and her 'cotton candy' Green New Deal

Brooks called AOC a “performative” populist and compared her to former President Donald Trump in a column arguing against political extremes.

Eco-conference COP-27 is just a shakedown for more money

At every official session, leaders and diplomats from poor countries keep asking: Where is the cash?

New York will pay big for Hochul's 'save me' deal with the far left

Desperate to fend off surging Lee Zeldin, Gov. Kathy Hochul's campaign has turned to the far-left Working Families Party for help.

New Yorkers who care about city & state must nix all 4 proposals on ballot in Nov.

City voters may not realize it, but the ghost of Mayor Bill de Blasio will haunt their ballots this November.

With inflation still raging, brace for a 'hard-landing' recession as the Fed spikes interest rates further

Team Biden keeps claiming Americans are enjoying the best economy ever. Heck, the White House literally held a party to celebrate on Tuesday. If this bunch offers you Kool-Aid, don't...

A new 'devil' of a problem for Planet Earth: vanishing humans

The future belongs to the people who show up, as they say. It seems doubtful that will be the greenies.

Dems' drive for solar, wind is about punishing the public, not saving the planet

Democrats’ insistence that we go all-in on solar and wind — price, capacity and logic be damned — isn’t saving the planet. It’s the elites punishing the general public.

Democrats cater to the woke at their electoral peril

The Democratic Party’s embrace of socialist-leaning politicians — namely “The Squad” — has not only put it on track to lose control of Congress in November.

Inflation is killing vacations and other commentary

“For the past two years many Americans skipped their family vacations because of COVID restrictions or concerns,” observes Salena Zito at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.