good news

Tennessee veteran who lost his leg adopts three-legged puppy

A dog found in the woods in Tennessee with a severed leg was adopted by a veteran this week who also lost a leg. Joshua Ferguson, who lost his leg...

Nanny reunited with lost diamond ring thanks to good Samaritan family

A nanny who lost her diamond ring in a Tribeca playground has been reunited with the bling two days later thanks to a family of quick-thinking good Samaritans. Joyce Bermuda,...

Chick-fil-A manager fixes WWII veteran's flat tire

When a 96-year-old Chick-Fil-A diehard showed up at his favorite Severn, Md. restaurant this week with a flat tire, the manager sprang into action.

Long-lost love letter from soldier sparks nationwide search for owner

A nationwide search is underway for a soldier who wrote an adorable love letter to his sweetheart after being forced to miss their date -- more than 65 years ago.

Nurse's compassionate gesture brings patient's family to tears

A heartfelt moment between a nursing student and her patient was captured on a cellphone video by another patient, who then shared it with the ailing 87-year-old’s grateful family.

How I found the 'angel' who saved my life on social media

Twitter isn’t always a cesspool of snark and outrage. Sometimes it helps you connect with a stranger who saved you from drowning in 58-degree water. Just ask D’Marié O’Connor, a...

Woman pays $400 tab to thank firefighters battling wildfires

Sometimes it pays to be a hero. A flock of firefighters who had been battling the raging California wildfires were eating at a Denny's restaurant when another patron decided to...

'Nurse of the Year' opened up her home to a cancer patient

It wasn’t enough that Olivia Chin was fighting cancer: The lifesaving treatments she needed at NYC’s Weill Cornell Myeloma Center meant traveling for more than four hours from her upstate...

How a mayor's wife brought a factory town back from the brink

Gisele Baretto Fetterman, the only Latina in a sea of black women, stands in a cheerfully painted former shipping container in the parking lot of an abandoned nuisance bar, directing...

Teen's bathroom project will restore your faith in humanity Female students at one high school in California won’t see their faces inside the girls’ bathroom — but they will be told they’re beautiful and capable and loved and...

Woman in dramatic rescue finally meets her hero

DENHAM SPRINGS, La. — Millions of people have seen and shared the video of a good Samaritan jumping off a boat to rescue Hailey Brouillette and her dog from a...

Mark Hamill Joins The Dark Side For Charity

Luke Skywalker has joined the Dark Side. But at least it’s for a good cause. Actor Mark Hamill took to the streets of Hollywood dressed as a Stormtrooper to raise awareness...

Rescued Baby Goats Prove Everything In The World Isn't Terrible

There’s so much bad news out there right now. Here’s some good news for a change. An Australian animal sanctuary made a video featuring baby goats and pigs they’ve rescued, a...

A Special Message For The Person Who Left Their Phone In The Shitter

This lovely bunch of bros found someone’s iPhone in the restroom at a bar in Tasmania. Before they handed it into the bar like the decent, good-hearted people they are,...

Young Dance Instructor Is Infected With Pure Joy

This video might appear to be just another child dancing, but on closer viewing you realize it’s much more than that. This young vessel was sent here to reaffirm everything...

Ice T And Coco Are Expecting A Badass Bundle Of Joy

You feel that warm, fuzzy feeling in the air? That’s celebrities being wonderful people. Take a deep breath and inhale some positivity. Today’s Positive Celebrity Gossip rockstars include: Jennifer Lopez,...

Guy Does The Same Dance In 100 Different Locations

After learning to dance as a part of his bucket list, Matt Bray decided to film himself doing the same dance routine in 100 different locations. Warning: Video is contagious and...

We Hope You Enjoy Your Weekend As Much As Maymo Enjoys Grass

Do yourself a favor and watch Maymo the dog roll around in some grass. Now go make your life that.  

Odds Are Good That You're Not A Monster

You probably needed a pep talk* right about now, didn’t you? Featuring Sue Smith *Pep talk not applicable in cases of Josh Duggar. If you are Josh Duggar, please go here...

Arthur The Horse Has An Emotional Reunion With His Childhood Friends

Just try not to tear up when the music starts playing. Via Storyful