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Will I get caught out using AI to write my resume?

I used AI to create my resume because the writing is so much better than mine when it comes to describing my experience. Is that OK to do? Can I...

My co-worker stole my thunder on a project, should I tell my boss?

My co-worker and I worked on a project but I did most of the work. When we presented it to the team he put his name first on the title...

My new boss criticized me for being 'old school' -- is this ageist?

Could "old school" be ageist?

I just quit -- but why am I being denied my bonus for last year?

I waited until the new year to resign so that I could receive my bonus for 2023, but my employer said that I have to be employed at the time...

Can my boss stop me from going skiing on vacation?

I can’t stand the thought of going back to work after the holidays, but I’ve been told this is a bad time to look for a new job because of...

My boss gave me lingerie for Christmas — should I make a complaint?

My boss, who’s been quite attentive to me, gave me frilly lingerie as a Christmas gift. When I expressed outrage he claimed it was his assistant’s mistake and it was...

Can I make an excuse and get out of going to my firm's holiday party?

I hate company holiday parties with a passion, but my boss feels it is important that we all attend to demonstrate our loyalty and commitment to the company. Can I...

A career coach gave me bad advice - can I sue?

I worked with a career coach who gave me guidance about asking for a raise and promotion. It was bad advice, and I was fired. Can I sue the coaching...

Is it legal for my employer to deny me paid time off?

Are all employers required to give employees paid vacation? I was told I had 56 hours paid time off a year. When I requested it, I was told to “use...

I don't like my boss - how do I get out of a long car ride with him?

My boss invited me to ride with him to a meeting which is about 2 hours away. The thought of having to make conversation seated next to my boss —...

Can an employer sue a worker for leaving a bad review of the company?

There’s currently a lawsuit case in progress brought by an employer against a former employee who posted a negative review about the company online. Of course, those smart enough will...

My husband shoved a fellow worker — can he get his job back?

A woman wants to know whether her husband can be rehired for his job after he assaulted a coworker.

At 67, I'm being discriminated against for my age — what can I do?

I’m an experienced, unemployed front doorman. I’ve had lots of interviews and one in particular was going well until I was asked my age. I’m 67, but isn’t it illegal...

I just started as a leader — how long do I wait before firing people?

A newly hired boss wants to know how long they should wait before attempting to fix problems at the company by making changes to the staff.

Can I get into trouble because my employee is running a betting pool?

There’s a guy on my staff who runs a betting pool each Friday for the Sunday football games, for anyone in the office who wants to join. Isn’t that illegal?...

How do I stop my employee from hitting on me?

I’m a sales leader and I have a woman on my team who is an absolute rock star at her job. The problem is, we are both single and she...

I was lied to about my job being remote -- can I quit and get unemployment?

An employee wants to know whether they can get unemployment since their "remote" position ended up being mostly in the field.

How do I deal with a weird co-worker who keeps staring at me?

An employee wants to know what to do with a co-worker who makes to workplace uncomfortable by turning around and staring during work hours.

I was fired for no reason by a new leader — what can I do?

A recently laid off employee wants to know if there is any recourse after suddenly getting let go by a new manager.

How do I deal with a micromanaging boss?

A reader wants to know what do about a micro managing boss who is interfering with productivity by constantly asking for the status of projects.