girl scout cookies

'It's a gluten-free wasteland': Girl Scout cashes in on brutal cookie reviews She’s earned her merit badge in food criticism! A savvy Girl Scout from New Jersey is close to selling more cookies than anyone in history thanks to her brutal...

Eating vegetable oils could lead to fatigue, migraines and dementia

In the middle of the 20th century, concerned by the growing heart-attack epidemic, Americans ditched butter and other saturated fats in favor of vegetable oils. According to Dr. Catherine Shanahan,...

And the most-binged Girl Scout cookie is …

These past few weeks, it feels like you can't swing a stick without hitting an open box of Thin Mints, one of the most famed confections offered in the Girl...

Americans like legalized pot a lot more than Girl Scout cookies

Americans spent more money on legal weed than Girl Scout cookies last year, a new report claims. The legal marijuana biz raked in roughly $3.4 billion in 2015 — while...

These Girl Scouts sold a lot of cookies to hungry stoners

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Two Albuquerque Girls Scouts have picked an unusual spot to sell Girl Scout cookies — a marijuana dispensary. KRQE-TV in Albuquerque reports a Junior Girl Scout and...

St. Louis Archbishop denounces Girl Scouts for supporting transgender rights

Catholics should think twice before indulging in a box of Thin Mints, according to the St. Louis archbishop, who said the church disagrees strongly with some of the Girl Scouts'...

Sisters missing for two weeks survive eating Girl Scout cookies

CRISP POINT, Mich. — Two sisters from Oklahoma and Nebraska missing for nearly two weeks in Michigan survived on Girl Scout cookies while stuck in their snow-crippled SUV until state...

Soldiers forced to pay extra $20 for Girl Scout cookies

America’s soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen already risk their lives fighting for freedom — and now it turns out they pay a hefty surcharge to indulge in one of the...

Mom accuses Girl Scout leader of being a 'cookie monster'

She’s one tough cookie. A fuming Marine Park mother says her 9-year-old daughter was booted from her Girl Scout troop by a spiteful leader — incensed that the mom questioned...

Girls Scouts have a brand-new cookie — and I hate it!

Some people spend hundreds, even thousands of dollars to lift themselves out of the January doldrums. Me? I plunk down a mere $4 for a box of Girl Scout Thin...

Girl Scouts go gluten-free with two new healthy cookies

The Girl Scouts must’ve resolved to up their cookie game for the new year. Not only is the youth organization venturing into uncharted digital waters with online ordering, but it’s...

Girl Scout cookies are now only a click away

NEW YORK — Watch out, world, the Girl Scouts are going digital to sell you cookies. For the first time in nearly 100 years, Girl Scouts of the USA will allow...

Gang member busted for stealing troop donations from Girl Scouts

SAN DIEGO — A San Diego County gang member accused of stealing a jar of cash from Girl Scouts outside a grocery store has pleaded guilty to misdemeanor petty theft...

Record-breaking Girl Scout sells 18K boxes of cookies

OKLAHOMA CITY — An Oklahoma City girl who says she asks everyone she meets to buy Girl Scout cookies has broken the organization's decades-old sales record by a margin about...

Woman buying Girl Scout cookies using fake bills

LAKE ELSINORE, Calif. — Officials in Southern California say someone has been buying Girl Scout cookies with counterfeit cash. The Riverside County Sheriff's Department has released photos of a woman...

A quest to score the elusive Girl Scout cookie in NYC

My pursuit of refined sugar knows no limit. I’m not ashamed to admit I rode the wave of trendy cupcakes and cronuts like any other junkie hoping to score another...