girl scout cookies

Dad sentenced for stealing kid's Girl Scout cookie money, spending it on an erotic massage

Father of the year, he is not. An Oregon dad swiped over $700 from his daughter's Girl Scout cookie fund and then told her the money was taken during a...

Writer wants boycott of Girl Scout treats because of Ocasio-Cortez support

A former nationally known sportscaster has called for a boycott of Girl Scout cookies because Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was once a Scout. Jane Chastain, 76, suggested in a column about...

Man who bought $540 of Girl Scout cookies arrested on drug charges

GREENVILLE, S.C. — A South Carolina man who bought more than 120 boxes of Girl Scouts cookies to help the scouts escape the cold has been arrested on drug charges....

Jason Momoa reacts to Girl Scout selling 'Momoa' cookies

The "Aquaman" star joked he wanted a cut of the profits.

Girl Scout uses Jason Momoa's ripped torso to sell cookies

Swole for sale! A Girl Scout in Colorado has a sweet treat for her customers. Charlotte Holmberg, a sales-savvy fifth-grader, has rebranded her stock of Samoas — the delectably gooey...

NJ Girl Scout leader canned after cookie theft story crumbles

The claims of a Girl Scouts leader that a New Jersey mall crook swiped her troop’s cookie-sale cash crumbled under scrutiny, cops said Wednesday. Troop 80062 leader Jessica Medina had...

'This Is Us' star sold almost 100 boxes of Girl Scout cookies at SAG Awards

“This Is Us” star Mackenzie Hancsicsak sold around $500 worth of Girl Scout cookies at the SAG Awards on Sunday night.

'This Is Us' star sells Girl Scout cookies at SAG Awards

Mackenzie Hancsicsak may be the most business-savvy 11-year-old around.

New York shows its heart of gold for robbed Girl Scouts

Gruff, tough New York is again showing a heart of gold, as seven sweet souls have thrown down $3,500-plus to more than replenish money stolen from a Girl Scout troop....

Donors save Girl Scout trip after jerk stole $1K in cookie money

How sweet! New Yorkers are stepping up to save a Girl Scout troop’s long-awaited trip after it was nearly foiled by a cookie cash-snatching crook. At least seven kindhearted donors...

Jerk steals $1K from Girl Scouts selling cookies at mall

What a Do-Si-Dope. A coldhearted crook snatched more than $1,100 from a group of New Jersey Girl Scouts at a shopping mall — leaving the heartbroken youngsters unable to afford...

Girl Scout cookie season 2019 launches with a salty new flavor

Call off that New Year’s diet: It’s officially Girl Scout cookie season. Starting Wednesday, little entrepreneurs in green vests and badges will be selling their limited-edition treats — including the...

Woman pleads guilty to embezzling daughter's Girl Scout Cookie funds

A Colorado mom has pleaded guilty to embezzling money from her daughter’s Girl Scout Cookie funds. Jennifer L. Hooten, 32, was ordered to pay $1,400 in restitution on Sept. 13...

Woman steals more than $1,600 in Girl Scout cookies: cops

An Ohio woman’s apparent love for Girl Scout cookies led to her arrest. Noel Hines allegedly stole a “large order of Girl Scout cookies” in March that was intended for...

Newest Girl Scout cookie is salty-sweet and gluten-free

Move over Thin Mints — there might be a new favorite cookie in town. The Girl Scouts are rolling out a new Caramel Chocolate Chip cookie flavor next year, the...

Jennifer Garner helps daughters hawk Girl Scout cookies

The actress takes her responsibility as a mother of Girl Scouts seriously.

Girl Scout who sold cookies outside pot shop could be in trouble

SAN DIEGO — The San Diego Girl Scout council is looking into whether a scout who was photographed selling cookies outside a marijuana dispensary broke any rules. Officials were trying...

Girl Scout leader wanted for stealing $15K worth of cookies

And you thought you loved Thin Mints and Samoas. A Girl Scout leader from Kentucky has gone on the run after allegedly stealing more than $15,000 worth of cookies from...

This guy tried to give Girl Scouts vodka for cookies

A boozed-up bozo proved he wasn’t the smartest cookie when he allegedly offered to trade some vodka for Girl Scout cookies in Oklahoma. Jerry Swanson, 45, was busted by police...

Brutally honest Girl Scout is country's best seller

This tough cookie has turned sweet! The New Jersey Girl Scout whose brutally honest cookie reviews earned her gangbuster sales is now primed to be the all-time seller in the...