george h.w. bush

I came prepared for my meeting with President Bush

Because you never know … In the summer of 1989 we vacationed in Kennebunkport, Maine, near the jetty compound of late President George H.W. Bush and his family. One day,...

George H.W. Bush's grandson pays tribute to his 'Gampy' at funeral

WASHINGTON — George P. Bush, the oldest of President George H.W. Bush’s grandchildren, recalled during a Houston funeral service Thursday how his “Gampy" made time for his family even while...

Bush 41 embodied the 'Greatest Generation,' his secretary of state says

Former Secretary of State James Baker on Thursday remembered George H.W. Bush as a man of "great faith" and "great integrity" during a funeral in Texas. "For more than 60...

George H.W. Bush will travel to final resting place in Texas by train

George H.W. Bush will be carried to his final resting place at his presidential library on the campus of Texas A&M by a specially outfitted locomotive that resembles Air Force...

Trump takes seat with living presidents club at Bush's funeral

The funeral of George H.W. Bush brought together the nation’s most exclusive club — every living president. They sat side-by-side with their wives in the front row of Washington National...

George W. Bush sneaks Michelle Obama a cough drop at his dad's funeral

WASHINGTON - George W. Bush recreated a viral moment with Michelle Obama, slipping her what was likely a cough drop at his father’s funeral Wednesday. Bush can be seen digging...

George W. Bush breaks down while eulogizing his father

President George W. Bush recalled his father George H.W. Bush's "courage" and "integrity" during his eulogy at the Washington National Cathedral before breaking down in tears when he lauded him...

World leaders pay tribute to George H.W. Bush

The funeral of George H.W. Bush.

Former Canadian PM lauds George H.W. Bush in eulogy

George H.W. Bush will be remembered by history as the most “honorable” and “principled” president to serve in the White House, former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney said Wednesday in...

Bush's biographer remembers president as 'last great soldier-statesman'

George H.W. Bush’s biographer proclaimed him “America’s last great soldier-statesman” at the 41st president’s funeral on Wednesday. Bush, who died Friday at age 94, was the last commander in chief...

Jeb Bush missed call about dad's death because he was asleep: brother

George H.W. Bush’s son Jeb Bush missed the call from family members Friday that his 94-year-old father would soon pass, said another son of the 41st president, according to a...

Trump used eight-vehicle motorcade to travel 250 yards across the street

Why walk when you can ride? To traverse the 250 yards from the White House to Blair House to offer his condolences to George W. Bush, President Trump and the...

World's dignitaries bid farewell to George H.W. Bush

President Trump and first lady Melania Trump arrived at Washington's National Cathedral for George H.W. Bush's funeral and took their seats in the front row with three of his predecessors,...

Democrats really do love Republicans — when they’re dead

He was a patriot, a hero, a ­genial gentleman and a great American. You can’t pick up a newspaper or go near a television without hearing leftists gush with praise...

Bob Dole, 95, salutes casket carrying George H.W. Bush

Bob Dole, the former Republican leader of the Senate, saluted President George H.W. Bush on Tuesday during a visit to the Capitol Rotunda to pay respects to his fellow World...

George H.W. Bush's service dog says final goodbye

George H.W. Bush's service dog, Sully, on Tuesday visited the Capitol Rotunda where the late president is lying in state. Sully, a 2-year-old Labrador retriever named after Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger,...

Trump to meet privately with Bush family ahead of funeral

President Trump acknowledged in a tweet that he will offer his condolences to the "wonderful" Bush family later Tuesday and praised the "elegance" of the ceremonies surrounding the death of...

Prince Charles to attend George H.W. Bush's funeral

Prince Charles will travel to Washington, DC, for the funeral of President George H.W. Bush, his office said Tuesday. "The Prince of Wales will attend the state funeral of former...

Trump pays respects to George H.W. Bush at Capitol Rotunda

President Trump showed up to pay respects to late President George H.W. Bush in the Capitol Rotunda on Monday night. The president entered the building with first lady Melania Trump,...

'Network' audience pays tribute to George H.W. Bush

“Bush got a lot of applause; it felt like the audience gave him tribute,” said an audience member.