
Brooklyn borough president tells new New Yorkers to 'go back to Iowa'

He has a dream — of leading a New York City that is home to far fewer Midwesterners. Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams — the leading fundraiser in the 2021...

City lawmakers want to impose 'yuppie tax'

Here's one thing that unites local pols across the political divide — a gentrification tax. A bipartisan group of city lawmakers is pushing Albany to approve tweaks to the state...

Jersey City's charm, real estate boom lure NYC transplants

New rental and condo towers like 99 Hudson, the Ellipse, 235 Grand, Journal Squared, and Urby, among others, are transforming Jersey City's downtown.

When it comes to gentrification New Yorkers are total hypocrites 

New Yorkers who hated Duane Reade, the “drug store” chain that supposedly crushed friendly mom-and-pop merchants, are having second thoughts.

The rise of the Queens left is all about gentrification

Local media have cast the Queens DA’s race as a battle for the ideological soul of the Democratic Party. The media hold up the two candidates — 31-year-old ultra-progressive Tiffany...

Jumaane Williams wants a 'racial impact study' for all proposed rezoning plans

Public Advocate Jumaane Williams wants to add a race-based analysis of all rezoning plans to the city’s cumbersome land-use review process. “Rezonings are one of the primary drivers of gentrification,...

These are the most hated buildings in Brooklyn

Brooklyn gentrification is an age-old hot-button issue. But lately, it’s not just about interlopers displacing established communities — brownstone neighborhoods are up in arms over looming towers threatening their gardens...

Inwood residents say rezoning plan is an 'ethnic cleansing'

Nestled next to the Harlem River at the tip of Manhattan, Inwood is on the brink of change. Once a refuge from the rest of the borough's unrelenting gentrification, a...

Ex-head of DC Comics now tackling the real, bloody history of Brooklyn

And you thought the scariest thing in Brooklyn was at the bottom of the Gowanus Canal. As the head of DC Comics, Paul Levitz worked with the biggest names in...

No, artists and musicians can't save Atlantic City

Dear John: If you want to save Atlantic City, we have an easy, flawless solution. We offered it to the government and chamber of commerce, but they never got back...

Assemblywoman apologizes for bizarre tirade

Brooklyn Assemblywoman Diana Richardson apologized to Speaker Carl Heastie and fellow Democrats this week for going ballistic on the Assembly leader during a bizarre tirade last month over funding for...

NYC neighborhoods where prices are skyrocketing

Watch your wallets in these neighborhoods. Real estate data website PropertyShark calculated the median prices at which homes sold in 50 New York City neighborhoods during the first quarter of...

Group accused of using faulty racial data to slam Airbnb

An anti-Airbnb group has whipped out the race card in its battle against the apartment-sharing service. “White hosts are making money while neighborhoods that are majority African American are losing...

Assemblywoman makes bizarre rant against Jews at meeting

A Brooklyn legislator was accused Wednesday of delivering a bizarre tirade against Jews, while ripping Mayor Bill de Blasio as a sellout, during a local community board meeting this week....

Urban sprawl threatens Peru's ancient ruins

Peru's famed ruins are feeling the squeeze of urbanization.

Coffee shop apologizes for gentrification 'joke'

DENVER — A coffee shop targeted by protesters after a message about gentrification struck a nerve in a rapidly changing city remained closed Monday despite an apology and plans to...

These rat 'squeakeasies' are a big gentrification joke

A new art installation lets rats pick their poison. Brooklyn artist Hunter Fine, 38, has opened seven rodent-sized gin mills around New York City in an effort to raise awareness...

How Weinstein got away with it and other comments

Culture critic: Why Weinstein Got Away With It Ann Althouse on her personal blog recalls that “the 1990s began with a heightening of interest in sexual harassment as liberals tried...

Residents tossed from de Blasio town hall over 'racist' zoning feud

More than a dozen East Harlem residents were tossed out a town hall meeting Thursday night after giving Mayor Bill de Blasio an earful over his controversial rezoning plan to...

No, gentrification isn't making NYC less diverse

New York is losing its diversity cred. Affluent Starbucks-swilling, kale-grazing white people are taking over the city’s multiracial ecosystem. At least that’s what the sophisticates tell us. The truth is...