free syrian army

British fighter jets bomb Syrian forces

British forces have bombed Syrian troops loyal to the country’s president, Bashar al-Assad, for the first time since April. A Typhoon fighter jet dropped a 500-pound laser-guided bomb near Syria’s...

Russia, Assad give ultimatum to Syria rebels northeast of Damascus

BEIRUT/AMMAN — Syrian rebels in a besieged area northeast of Damascus have been told they must accept state rule or leave, a rebel group said Tuesday, as the government and...

Attack on Syrian security forces kills at least 40

Militants attacked two Syrian security offices in the western city of Homs on Saturday with guns and suicide bombers, killing at least 42 people including a senior officer, a war...

Obama just fell for a classic Russian ruse

Recent Russian efforts to magnify its Middle East influence have been accompanied by a seeming surge in Kremlin “reasonableness.” In fact, Russian calls for new Syrian elections and sharing intelligence...

US, Russia agree to new safety rules for flying over Syria

WASHINGTON -- The U.S. and Russia put into practice on Tuesday new rules designed to minimize the risk of air collisions between Russian and U.S.-led coalition aircraft over Syria. A...

US gives up on failed strategy of training Syrian rebels

LONDON -- The US is abandoning its goal of having America's military train a new force of moderate Syrian rebels, turning its focus to equipping, arming and supporting established groups...

Syria extends major offensive with aid of Russian strikes

DAMASCUS, Syria -- Syria's top general on Thursday said Russian strikes had helped government forces launch a "wide-ranging" offensive in central and northwestern Syria, where al-Qaida's affiliate as well as...

Obama rejects Russian approach to ending Syrian war

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is rejecting Russia's military campaign in Syria, saying it fails to distinguish between terrorist groups and moderate rebel forces with a legitimate interest in a...

US must take sides in Syria to avoid an end worse than ISIS

Among the different “goals” that President Obama has declared for his “fight” against the Islamic State, the most frequently cited is “to push them back.” Obama doesn’t make it clear...

Obama moves to aid Syrian rebels in fight against ISIS

WASHINGTON – In a major escalation, President Obama is moving to deepen the US military role in the Middle East by providing front-door military aid to Syrian rebels in an...

Syrians pack streets for handouts as army reportedly kills 175 rebels

A photo of the desperate multitudes in Syria seeking food from UN workers emerged Wednesday, capturing the plight of refugees in the war-torn nation — even as government army troops...

Face of tragedy as boy, 4, flees war-ravaged Syria

BEIRUT — Among the streams of refugees seeking safety from the chaos of war-torn Syria, one stood out: A 4-year-old boy, wandering alone in the wilderness. A United Nations worker...

NC man facing charges after trying to join al Qaeda

RALEIGH, NC — A North Carolina man is facing federal charges that he sought to join an al Qaeda-linked militant group fighting the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad. Basit...

Al Qaeda spokesman criticizes rival Syrian rebels

BEIRUT — An al Qaeda spokesman is accusing Western-backed rebels fighting to topple the Syrian government of "stealing" credit for battlefield victories from his group.