franklin d. roosevelt

Bill O'Reilly's latest book spills the dirt on all of our nation's presidents

Bill O'Reilly's newest book rats on 46 presidencies from Martha Washington’s hubby crossing the Delaware to Mrs. Biden’s dummy owning all of Delaware.

Inside the murder that brought down NYC City Hall

When Franklin Delano Roosevelt read about Gordon’s killing in the papers, and her tie to the Seabury commission, he immediately took action.

Joe Biden: The most unfit incumbent president up for re-election since FDR

There’s a tried-and-true method for a White House to deal with a seriously ailing president — lie about it. 

Trump is not afraid to face the nation on Super Bowl Sunday — unlike Biden

After all, if Joe Biden refuses to take the traditional presidential pregame slot watched by millions of people, then he has only himself to blame if his political rival one-ups...

America would be vastly different if FDR hadn't pushed this man out

A new book imagines what might have happened if Henry Wallace had been vice president for a second term.

2024 presidential race: The 3 zodiac signs most likely to be elected POTUS

While all signs find representation in the constellation of the American presidency, some signs and one modality figure more prominently than others.

History is a lot more complicated than City Council's statue-haters can admit

New York's City Council, having already removed the statue of Thomas Jefferson from City Hall, now wants to take down all statuary of George Washington and Christopher Columbus.

Babe Ruth showed how athletes should interact with presidents

Even though Babe Ruth had — and expressed — his political opinions, he did not let them get in the way of his willingness to interact with presidents on both...

The three most narcissistic zodiac signs, according to an astrologer

While narcissism crops up all around the zodiac wheel, there are some signs more than others that are predisposed to putting themselves first and ever atop a gilded, inflatable pyramid...

We need a nursing home for our aging leaders — not a Capitol or White House

According to the Constitution, it would take a two-thirds vote of either house to remove a sitting lawmaker for disruptive behavior.

Joe Biden fumbled a century's worth of coronation precedent by sending Jill in his stead: historian

President Biden is continuing a long American tradition by skipping the coronation of King Charles III -- but broke more than 100 years of precedent by choosing wife Jill as...

Is Biden, like past presidents, unleashing the IRS on his enemies?

Journalist Matt Taibbi testified March 9 before a congressional committee on the vast federally funded “censorship-industrial complex” the Twitter Files exposed.

Shrieking lefties hate democracy — their attacks on the Supreme Court prove it

As the Supreme Court begins to a new term that includes highly contentious cases on everything from voting rights to anti-Asian racism in elite college admissions.

U.S. observes 80th anniversary of attack on Pearl Harbor

The United States will mark the 80th anniversary of the Japanese attack on the U.S. naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on Tuesday.

Pols complain of NYC green space turning red with blood

On a recent early weekday afternoon, The Post observed a half-dozen people passed out in the seven-block green-space strip that runs from Canal to Houston streets.

Sorry, but the Biden era will never be a New Deal 2.0

We don’t know what the Biden years will ultimately look like, but one thing is pretty obvious, at least to me: It won’t be a new New Deal, nor will...

Biden's perverse read of labor law and other commentary

Libertarian: Joe’s Perverse Read of Labor Law President Biden is wrong to claim that under the National Labor Relations Act, federal policy “has been to encourage worker organizing and collective...

Biden's plan to revolutionize America on a slim majority is downright delusion

Joe Biden should look at the mirror every day and see a president elected on the basis of the unpopularity of his predecessor at a time when the country was...

AOC talks FDR history and gets it all wrong

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may be getting A’s in social media — but she’s getting an F in basic history. The Bronx-Queens Democrat flunked 20th century world events last week when...

Ocasio-Cortez blasts Reagan, FDR over 'racist' policies

Progressive Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slammed President Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal that helped the United States dig out from the Great Depression as "racist policy" that benefited whites over minorities. “The...