
Democrats should scrutinize Bernie Sanders and other commentary

From the left: Dems Should Scrutinize Sanders Bernie Sanders has received “relatively lax scrutiny” from his rivals — and that, Joe Lockhart frets at CNN, is “a worry to many...

Funding PC nonsense and other commentary

Science watch: Funding PC Nonsense A $700,000 climate-change musical, Turkey’s veiling-fashion industry and animal depictions in National Geographic: The National Science Foundation, “whose mission is to ensure the United States’...

The second coming of Russiagate and other commentary

Iconoclast: The Second Coming of Russiagate “The Russia thing didn’t really pan out, did it?” The Week’s Matthew Walther snarks. Nor did Democrats’ other attempts to investigate President Trump —...

Trump: Shell's new Pennsylvania plant will restore 'glory' of US manufacturing

President Trump on Tuesday visited a massive new plant in western Pennsylvania that converts the region’s huge natural gas deposits into plastics — saying, “This would have never happened without...

The price of Cuomo's war on natural gas is only starting to kick in

New Yorkers experienced the headache caused by Gov. Cuomo’s crusade against natural gas last week, when a public hearing was held to discuss Con Edison’s January announcement that it would...

Call it a bubble or not, the stock market is richly priced

Dear John: I have read many of your columns and own many stocks, mostly old-school growth stocks. While I understand when you talk about stock market bubbles, many of my...

US should authorize more fracking if oil prices climb

The price of oil is going up again because Wall Street came to the conclusion that the Saudis want it back to the $80 level. So, naturally, the financial markets...

Molinaro’s call for fracking spells hope for upstate NYers

Marc Molinaro dropped the f-word Wednesday: “fracking.” The GOP gubernatorial hopeful said he’d back a “closely monitored” test of the practice. Good for him. It’s past time someone revived the...

Dean Skelos vowed to run against 'full of s--t' Cuomo

Former state Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos vowed to run against “full of s--t” Andrew Cuomo after the governor came out against fracking in late 2014, it emerged at Skelos’...

De Blasio's 'carbon divestment' means huge bills for taxpayers

‘We are a beacon to the world.” So says Mayor de Blasio, as he defends his campaign to sue the fossil-fuel industry for the asserted costs of manmade climate change,...

The strategy Trump must take to wean our country off gasoline

Drill everywhere! That’s what I suggested years ago in a column that proposed a solution to our reliance on imported oil — and the habit we have of getting into...

Cuomo's sad excuse on Upstate

‘It’s been a bad 50 years” for the Upstate economy, Gov. Cuomo argued this week. “You’re not going to turn it around in a couple of years.” Still, he insists,...

Most folks agree with 'Pence rules' and other comments

Security writer: Talks Can’t Keep Kim From Nukes Refusing to tolerate a nuclear North Korea “has been a pillar of U.S. policy since the peninsula’s first nuclear crisis in the...

Gas prices are predicted to rise for no good reason

The tradition continues. And it’s costing you money. Every year at this time speculators in the financial markets attempt to push up the price of gasoline — using the excuse...

Why does Cuomo keep rejecting pipelines New Yorkers could benefit from?

Gov. Cuomo banned fracking in New York, and though he has no official say over Pennsylvania, he’s trying to ban it there, too — or at least stop New Yorkers...

Low oil prices prove how wrong Obama was yet again

With oil prices struggling to rebound after hitting a three-month low last week, Americans are getting yet another reminder of just how wrong President Barack Obama was about drilling. “The...

Blocking pipelines is the new anti-fracking ploy

The Left’s unthinking demonization of natural gas continues. Last month, 15 people were arrested at a rally outside the offices of New York Sen. Charles Schumer as part of the...

Cuomo's team still hasn't learned the key lesson of Hoosick Falls

After two legislative hearings on Hoosick Falls’ water crisis, it’s become painfully obvious: Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s water quality monitors dropped the ball. Disastrously. Worse, Cuomo & Co. refuse to take...

Look what out-of-touch megarich greenies can't buy

If a pair of extreme green ballot measures fall in the Rocky Mountains and no one in the liberal media is paying attention, does the collapse make a sound? This...

KKR's bankrupt former fracking outfit attracts bidders

One of Henry Kravis’ big, bad energy bets is looking even worse. Suitors for bankrupt Samson Resources are seeking to pick up pieces at a steep discount to the $7.2...