food stamps

Pull the plug: Republicans' food-stamp fail could add $70B to taxpayers' burden

House Republicans have failed Negotiating 101, and taxpayers will suffer.

Number of Pennsylvania residents relying on food stamps and Medicaid is skyrocketing

The number of Pennsylvanians receiving food stamps and Medicaid has ballooned compared to a generation ago.

Kathy Hochul goes all in — with NY taxpayer cash — on Biden’s new feed-the-rich program

The Pandemic-EBT program stacked on top of the food-stamp program, already available to needy families year-round, amounts to nearly $1,000 per month for a family of four.

Dear Abby: A supermarket cashier flipped out at me because I wouldn't pay for another woman's food

Dear Abby weighs in on grocery store etiquette and a husband who doesn't show his son love.

NYC spent almost $2.5B providing welfare checks to over 720K residents – the most it's paid out in over a decade

New York City provided a whopping 720,765 residents cash assistance last year -- the most it’s ever awarded annually in welfare checks in at least a decade.

The simple reform Congress can make to move millions from welfare to work

Congress has a chance to help millions of Americans move from welfare to work while fixing one of the country’s most broken federal programs.

Bob Menendez tax woes, Hasan Minhaj's fake trauma and other commentary

Sen. Menendez faces charges of conspiracy to commit bribery, honest services fraud and extortion, yet “more may be coming,” warns Andrew Sidamon-Eristoff.

States would be forced to recover staggering $11B in food stamp overpayments under proposed law

“I’m snapping back! It’s time for states at fault to pay the piper and eat the costs of their taxpayer waste," said Sen. Joni Ernst.

Biden boosted the need for food stamps — and calls that a 'success'

Higher prices (especially for groceries), high-interest rates, lower wages adjusted for inflation, and unaffordable housing are just a few of the bitter fruits from the tree of Bidenomics — and...

Biden's food stamp expansion linked to 15% jump in grocery prices: study

President Biden’s Department of Agriculture rolled out revised nutritional standards for federal food benefits in 2021 that expanded the program by roughly 25% from pre-COVID pandemic levels. 

Debt deal shows Democrats are the party of freeloaders

On Wednesday night, the House passed legislation to raise the nation’s borrowing limit and cap future spending.

Get them rewrite! Debt-ceiling deal fails to fix DC

Another short period of political uncertainty is far better than taking another giant step towards national financial ruin.

Since when did linking work to welfare handouts become so controversial?

Should you work to get welfare? Republicans in the House of Representatives say yes. It’s the right answer.

Anti-work, pro-welfare Democrats are in a food-stamp fury over attempts to cut costs

Perhaps it is only a question of time until Democrats retroactively blame proposed SNAP cuts for the Irish potato famine. Count on Team Biden to fight the SNAP work requirement...

New media hoax: Millions to starve with a pandemic benefit ending

Tens of millions of Americans are being slammed by the soaring price of food — one of Biden’s worst legacies. We can have sympathy for hungry individuals without perpetuating the...

How states can move people from welfare to work, sidestepping Team Biden's ban

The federal government has banned state work requirements for food-stamp recipients since March 2020, and the Biden team is continuing this counterproductive restriction through at least April.

Biden's cluelessness on hunger, food aid epitomized by gaffe on dead GOP rep

Biden’s bewilderment on Jackie epitomized his cluelessness on the issue of hunger and food aid. The president ended by rambling about being able to “wave a wand” to solve problems.

Biden's hunger hubbub ignores the federal obesity fiasco

He promises to “take bold steps to end hunger,” and his summit will likely unleash a torrent of demands for new federal handouts.

Army suggests soldiers fighting inflation go on food stamps

The U.S. Army released a guide on inflation, including using Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), commonly known as food stamps.

Biden's economic victory lap is 58 pages of malarkey

Biden is still trying to take credit for job growth that happened only because of the end of lockdowns.