fidel castro

Fidel Castro's grandson flaunts his wealth on social media

Photos of young people living it up and flaunting their material trappings are nothing new on social media. Except when it’s the grandson of Fidel Castro, the late Cuban Communist leader. Tony...

Meet the Mafia gangster the CIA wanted to assassinate Fidel Castro

In the summer of 1960, a former FBI and sometime CIA man named Robert Maheu was handed an important mission by the latter agency — engaging the Mafia to assassinate...

Cuba's 'Lost Generation' welcomes new leaders

As they aged into their 80s and 90s, the Castros and their fellow fighters cast a shadow so deep that Cubans born in the first decades after the revolution became...

Fidel Castro's son commits suicide

HAVANA - The eldest son of late Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro, Fidel Castro Diaz-Balart, committed suicide on Thursday aged 68 after being treated for months for depression, Cuban state-run...

Box of Fidel Castro's cigars sells for almost $27K

BOSTON — It was close but no cigar for anyone who bid less than $26,950 at auction for a signed box of Cuban cigars from Fidel Castro's personal collection. Boston-based...

JFK docs reveal plot to take out Castro

The feds’ release of a trove of files related to John F. Kennedy’s assassination didn’t reveal much about the killing — but it was full of other juicy tidbits. From...

Mysterious Soviet buoy washes up on Florida shore after Irma

Oh buoy! A 12-foot Cold War-era Soviet float surfaced on Dania Beach in South Florida after Hurricane Irma, and local authorities speculate it may have originated from Cuba based on...

How Fidel Castro's sexy mistress almost took him down

Marita Lorenz is the Forrest Gump of the Cold War. She was Fidel Castro’s lover and his would-be assassin. She was also seemingly involved in or present for almost every...

Cuba to Trump: Castro regime was never going to give up fugitives

Cuba’s foreign minister told President Trump on Monday that there was no way the Castro regime was going to give up convicted cop killer Joanne Chesimard or any of the...

This CPA was tasked with trying to kill Castro — and may know JFK secrets

Antonio Veciana was a “skinny, asthmatic” CPA in Cuba when he was approached in September 1959 by a man calling himself Maurice Bishop. Bishop handed him a business card from...

Fidel Castro's ashes interred in private ceremony

SANTIAGO, Cuba — Fidel Castro's ashes were interred in a private ceremony Sunday morning, ending nine days of mourning for the man who ruled Cuba for nearly half a century....

Fidel Castro left behind detailed instructions for his own funeral

Fidel Castro famously micromanaged everything in Cuba -- from sugarcane production to elementary school textbooks -- so it’s no surprise that before he died, he dictated precisely what would happen...

Trump's new world order, a Hillary-lover moves to Breitbart and other notable commentary

Foreign desk: How Trump Can Save the Liberal Order President-elect Donald Trump thinks America’s getting a bum deal from the “prevailing international order,” notes Richard Fontaine at Foreign Affairs —...

Fidel Castro's ashes complete first leg of cross-country trip

SANTA CLARA, Cuba — Fidel Castro's ashes are completing the first leg of a more than 500-mile (800-kilometer) journey across Cuba, traveling in a flag-draped cedar coffin through small towns...

Cuban exiles in Miami celebrate Castro's death, shocking Havana

MIAMI — For more than a decade, Maria Vazquez's store had a special gift basket to celebrate Fidel Castro's death. For $24.99, it includes a bottle of cider with the...

Ordinary Cubans line streets to say goodbye to Castro

SANTA CLARA, Cuba — Fidel Castro's ashes are completing the first leg of a more than 500-mile journey across Cuba, traveling in a flag-draped cedar coffin through small towns and...

Nixon knew Castro was a communist from the beginning

Fidel Castro charmed and fooled many during his lifetime. But he admitted he couldn’t trick Richard Nixon.

World leaders, Cubans gather to pay tribute to Fidel Castro

HAVANA — Regional leaders and tens of thousands of Cubans jammed the Plaza of the Revolution on Tuesday night, celebrating Fidel Castro on the spot where he delivered fiery speeches...

Fidel Castro's death casts shadow over Art Basel Miami

Miami resident, actor Andy Garcia expressed his “deep sorrow” for the Cuban people who lived under Castro’s rule, in a message sent out over social media.

Justin Trudeau to skip Castro's funeral amid uproar over comments

TORONTO — Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will not be attending the funeral of Fidel Castro amid an uproar over his comments over the weekend praising the late Cuban leader....