fidel castro

Possible Biden VP pick walks back praise of dictator

Joe Biden VP contender Rep. Karen Bass on Sunday walked back comments praising late Cuban Communist dictator Fidel Castro in 2016 -- insisting she didn't know he was despised by...

Dems grimace at Fidel Castro comments by Biden VP contender

Some Democrats got a little queasy after they learned Florida Rep. Karen Bass is on Joe Biden's list of possible running mates. The Los Angeles Democrat raised eyebrows in 2016...

Biden just made Bernie nothing more than a two-time loser

Joe Biden beat Bernie Sanders by nearly 39 points in the Democratic primary in Florida. That’s bad if you’re Bernie. What’s even worse is this: Michael Bloomberg, who’s been out of...

Bernie Sanders refuses to withdraw praise of Fidel Castro in Democratic debate

Bernie Sanders refused to back down on his controversial support for Cuba's late Communist dictator Fidel Castro during Sunday's Democratic presidential debate. When asked why Cuban Americans should vote for...

Meet Bernie Sanders' corrupt left-wing comrades

In December 2012, the Senate voted on a package of sanctions that targeted dozens of Russian officials who had participated in gross human-rights violations in the country. The so-called Magnitsky...

What ‘money in politics’ problem? and other commentary

Libertarian: What ‘Money in Politics’ Problem? Mike Bloomberg “spent $500 million in his bid for a Super Tuesday blitz” — and “came away with . . . American Samoa,” snorts...

American once jailed in Cuba accuses Sanders of praising dictatorship

Alan Gross told NPR that the Vermont senator, who visited Cuba as part of a congressional delegation in 2014, told him he didn’t understand why people criticized the country.

Bernie Sanders' telling fetish for giving authoritarians credit they don't deserve

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, the front-runner for the Democratic nomination for president, is praised by his admirers for being consistent. He’s been saying the same things for 40 years, they...

About those Fidel Castro literacy claims and other commentary

Foreign desk: About Those Castro Literacy Claims At Liberty Unyielding, Hans Bader refutes Bernie Sanders’ claim this week that Fidel Castro “had a massive literacy program,” which echoed the candidate’s...

House GOP wants vote to condemn Sanders' Castro praise

A group of House Republicans will attempt to force a procedural vote on legislation condemning Sen. Bernie Sanders' comments praising deceased Cuban dictator Fidel Castro for his literacy program --...

Miami to hold 'anti-Communist' concert after Sanders defends Castro regime

"Our city represents the stories of countless individuals who have risked their lives to flee communism,” Mayor Francis Suarez said, mentioning Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, the Miami Herald reported on...

Democratic debate: Bernie Sanders won't back down on support of Castro, Cuba

Socialist Bernie Sanders refused to retreat from his romantic views on Cuba and its late dictator Fidel Castro, even as the audience of the Democratic presidential debate in Charleston loudly...

Buttigieg joins 2020 Democrats in condemning Sanders' Fidel Castro praise

Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg joined his primary rivals Mike Bloomberg and Joe Biden in condemning fellow candidate Bernie Sanders for his praise of policies instituted by Cuban dictator Fidel...

Florida Dems fuming over Bernie Sanders' praise of Fidel Castro

Florida Democrats are up in arms over Sen. Bernie Sanders' decision to heap praise on policies instituted by Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. Candidates up and down the ballot in the...

Meghan McCain Slams Bernie Sanders for Fidel Castro Comments: It's Like "Saying Hitler Was a Good Orator"

Bernie Sanders may be the only person who can bring The View's co-hosts together.

Bernie Sanders doubles down on Fidel Castro praise: 'Truth is truth'

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., doubled down on his remarks praising former Cuban dictator Fidel Castro during a televised town hall on Monday night after he raised eyebrows for complimenting the...

Bloomberg, Biden rip Sanders' defense of Fidel Castro

Mike Bloomberg and Joe Biden ripped into Democratic socialist Bernie Sanders for praising Fidel Castro during an interview Sunday night. “When Fidel Castro came into office, you know what he...

Bernie Sanders just loves America's enemies

Bernie Sanders may be on the verge of gaining an insurmountable lead in the Democratic nomination fight, but he isn’t letting that get in the way of his socialist principles....

Bernie Sanders defends Fidel Castro's socialist Cuba: 'Unfair to simply say everything is bad'

Self-proclaimed democratic socialist Bernie Sanders, in an interview that aired Sunday night, heaped praise on some of the policies instituted in Cuba by the late Communist dictator Fidel Castro. “We’re...

Hey, Democrats: Here’s the price I paid for your socialist dream

American Democrats are pining ever more loudly for socialism these days, for “free” education, “free” health care and much else. Let me tell you about socialism as I lived it...