fidel castro

Antisemitic college protesters can go ahead and move if they don't like it here

The Post's Cindy Adams wants the anti-Israel protesters at colleges across the nation to try their luck in another country if they hate America.

Top Cuban Communist Party official with eternal allegiance to Fidel Castro to address NYC Bar Association

Yamila Gonzalez Ferrer, 54, is instructed to always be faithful to the teachings of "her commander" Fidel Castro.

Shocking double standard of support for Ukraine and Israel

As Ukraine enters its third year of war it is striking how committed political leaders of all parties are to that war.

Fowl play: Thieves steal 133 tons of chicken from Cuban plant to buy laptops, appliances

The "fowl" play was committed by shift bosses, IT workers and security guards at the Havana plant.

Biden's border bungling is another echo of failed President Jimmy Carter

Joe Biden has handled the border crisis in a way that brings to mind another presidential failure.

Bernie Sanders turns 82 — and slaughters grandson's MLB dreams

He’s not the only socialist to play America’s game. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) celebrated his 82nd birthday on Friday by slaughtering his grandson’s dreams of Major League Baseball fame. The...

Cuban exile originally sentenced to death freed after over 28 years

A Cuban exile who served over 28 years in prison and was originally sentenced to death after attempting an armed incursion, was freed on Thursday.

The four luckiest zodiac signs, according to an astrologer

St. Patricks Day 2024 is upon us, turning our attention to shamrocks, binge drinking and the perceived luck of the Irish; famine, civil war and subjugation by the English not...

How weak Biden fell for the 'weaponization' of Maduro's migrants

The Cuban military dictatorship has unleashed three destabilizing rafter crises since taking power in 1959.

What three zodiac signs are most likely to be famous?

Sage Virgo, actress, and expert eyebrow archer Lauren Bacall once decreed, "Stardom isn't a profession, it's an accident." True enough LB, but when it comes to astrology there are certain...

Joe Rogan jokes Justin Trudeau needs to prove he’s not Fidel Castro's son

The Spotify podcaster was stunned by the apparent resemblance between the Canadian leader and the late Communist dictator.

John Leguizamo slams James Franco’s casting as Fidel Castro: ‘He ain’t Latino!'

"How is this still going on?" the "Encanto" star wrote of the decision to cast Franco, who is of Jewish, Portuguese and Swedish descent, as the Cuban dictator.

Real shark week: Cubans in 90s flotilla were regularly attacked

“I get goose bumps whenever I see anything with sharks and turn it right off,” former heavyweight boxing champ Elicier Castillo once told The New York Times.

Colombia's presidential race will decide if the country goes the way of Venezuela

Former “urban guerrilla” and hard-left candidate Gustavo Petro could become Colombia’s next president — and turn the country into another Venezuela.

The REAL Cuba is an utter nightmare — but don't expect Democratic Socialists to admit it

The Castro (and now post-Castro) regime in Cuba is a deeply repressive communist dictatorship whose ultimate place in the ash heap of history cannot arrive soon enough. A relic of...

Summer's a bummer for socialists in denial: Goodwin

Delusional socialists Sen. Bernie Sanders and AOC are pointing at the wrong reasons why Cubans are protesting their communist regime, The Post’s Michael Goodwin writes.

Never forget the US left's disgusting love affair with the Castro regime

It’s not easy to run a hideous dictatorship and still have fans and defenders in fashionable quarters, but the Castro dictatorship has managed it all of these decades.

Cuban Americans 'happy' to see end of Castro dynasty

When Raul Castro announced the end of his family dynasty's grip on power in Cuba, Horacio Llerena was happy to see him go. Llerena, a New Jersey contractor, escaped the...

Raul Castro resigns, ending era of family communist rule in Cuba

HAVANA — Raul Castro said Friday he is resigning as head of Cuba’s Communist Party, ending an era of formal leadership by he and his brother Fidel Castro that began...

'The Office' star's uncle was imprisoned by Fidel Castro

Oscar Nuñez had an uncle who spent 20 years as a political prisoner under Fidel Castro’s regime in Cuba.