ferguson shooting

Billionaire Twitter booster now its latest critic

How painful is it to be a Twitter investor these days? So bad even Chris Sacca is beginning to squawk. The billionaire venture capitalist — one of Twitter’s earliest and...

Baltimore mayor lifts curfew 6 days after riots

BALTIMORE — Six days after the death of Freddie Gray sparked riots in Baltimore, the city's mayor lifted a citywide curfew on Sunday, signaling an end to the extraordinary measures...

Rams, cops fighting over non-existent 'Hands up' apology

ST. LOUIS — A St. Louis Rams official and a county police chief differed Monday about whether the team had apologized for the actions of five players who raised their...

Obama calls for $263M federal response to Ferguson

WASHINGTON — Spurred by the Ferguson, Missouri, shooting, President Barack Obama is calling for $75 million in federal spending to get 50,000 more police to wear body cameras that record...

Giuliani to Holder: Don't make federal case out of Ferguson

WASHINGTON -- Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani has some advice for Attorney General Eric Holder as he weighs a legal response to the Michael Brown shooting: Don’t make a federal case...

CNN is lying when they say Ferguson protests were 'peaceful'

Here’s a quiz for you folks in the media: What happens if you’re out doing “man on the street” interviews but none of the men on the street fits your...

44 arrested after National Guard takes control in Ferguson

Some 2,000 National Guard troops helped ward off a second night of rampant arson and looting in suburban St. Louis after a grand jury declined to indict a white policeman...

FBI agents shot in St. Louis not related to Ferguson protests

ST. LOUIS — An FBI spokeswoman said two special agents were shot in St. Louis County and that the incident wasn't directly related to the Ferguson protests. Rebecca Wu, a...

The inconvenient (and tragic) truths

The bitter irony of the Michael Brown case is that if he had actually put his hands up and said don’t shoot, he would almost certainly be alive today. His...

These are no looter-day saints

It is impossible to give up on America at Thanksgiving, that unique and most wonderful holiday. Yet it is also difficult to gaze across our troubled land and conclude we...

Car plows through crowd protesting Ferguson decision

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hHTNIYab5Q MINNEAPOLIS — A rally in Minneapolis turned scary when a car hit and then drove through several protesters. Several hundred people gathered Tuesday afternoon near the 3rd Precinct police outpost...

Russia berates the US over Ferguson

As violence engulfed Ferguson, Mo., early Tuesday, the Kremlin gloated – calling Americans hypocritical for supporting anti-Russian forces in Ukraine. “You want to export that kind of democracy?” political scientist...

Ferguson cop quietly married fellow officer after protests

FERGUSON, Mo. — Schools were closed, barricades erected and stores boarded up on Monday as a tense St. Louis suburb awaited word on whether charges will be filed against a white...

Giuliani blames cop shootings on black-on-black crime

Former Mayor Giuliani ignited a heated exchange on TV on Sunday after pointing to a black commentator while discussing the fatal shooting of an African American teen by a white...

'Wanted' posters of cop taped up at Pink Houses

Residents at the notorious Louis Pink Houses gave a thumbs-up Saturday night to the latest notices to be taped to their lobby walls: posters reading “THIS IS THE FACE OF...

FBI arrests 2 New Black Panther members in Ferguson bomb plot

FERGUSON Mo. - Two men suspected of buying explosives they planned to detonate during protests in Ferguson, Missouri, once a grand jury decides the Michael Brown case, were arrested on...

Gun sales booming ahead of Ferguson grand jury decision

FERGUSON, Mo. — Some suburban St. Louis gun dealers have been doing brisk business, particularly among first-time buyers, as fearful residents await a grand jury's decision on whether to indict the...

State of emergency declared over Ferguson

FERGUSON, Mo. — Missouri’s governor declared a state of emergency on Monday and authorized the state’s National Guard to support police in case of violence after a grand jury decides...

No-fly zone over Ferguson was to keep away news helicopters

WASHINGTON — The U.S. government agreed to a police request to restrict more than 37 square miles of airspace surrounding Ferguson, Missouri, for 12 days in August for safety, but...

Ferguson wants empty schools when grand jury decision is announced

ST. LOUIS — School officials concerned about students being waylaid by protests are asking a St. Louis County prosecutor to wait until classes are not in session to announce whether...