federal budget

A $7 trillion lie: Biden worse than Trump on national debt

We saw a classic case of projection in Thursday’s presidential debate, when President Biden — overseeing annual budget deficits of $2 trillion — asserted that his predecessor, Donald Trump, added...

Biden's vote-buying schemes make a mockery of democracy

Look at the billions of taxpayer dollars President Biden is pouring into “community organizations” in “disadvantaged communities” to tip the election scales.

Biden's Interior Secretary Deb Haaland admits she hasn't been to the southern border

Interior Secretary Deb Haaland acknowledged to Congress on Wednesday that she has never been to the southern border region while in office — despite tons of trash being dumped on...

DEI is destroying America, why the classics are back and other commentary

“Diversity/equity/inclusion” is the common thread behind “America’s current crises,” argues Victor Davis Hanson at American Greatness. DEI has “birthed” resurgent crime and antisemitism.

Israel’s new Ben-Gurions, Joe’s perilous Pentagon cuts and other commentary

On Oct. 7, “ordinary Israelis left their offices, closed their laptops, and abandoned their fields to pick up weapons, in many cases without waiting for instructions,” said The Free Press’...

Biden may be losing voters but he sure knows how to buy them back

President Biden’s weaknesses are obvious, but his $7.3 trillion budget proposal this week and State of the Union address Thursday are reminders of just how tough he can be.

Biden unveils massive $7.3T budget with $5.5T in tax hikes, plans for 'highest burden' in US history

President Biden unveiled his election-year budget pitch Monday, calling for $5.5 trillion in tax increases by raising rates on the wealthy and corporations — while spending $7.3 trillion proposals.

White House warns Congress the US is out of money, nearly out of time to avoid 'kneecap' to Ukraine

“We are out of money — and nearly out of time.”

Republicans must shame Dems into slashing bloated gov spending — before it's too late

The latest short-term government funding bill ensures that taxpayers will continue to pay for a bloated government until January — but Republicans have a chance to address future overspending.

Speaker Mike Johnson proposes unusual plan to prevent a government shutdown

House Speaker Mike Johnson proposed a novel two-step budget extension to prevent a looming government shutdown.

US budget deficit balloons to $1.7 trillion -- largest outside COVID era

The US government posted a $1.695 trillion budget deficit in fiscal 2023, a 23% jump from the prior year as revenues fell and outlays for Social Security, Medicare and record-high interest costs on the...

Joe Biden's latest loan giveaway spits on average Americans AGAIN

The Supreme Court hasn't tossed Biden's initial loan-giveaway plan, which would've cost taxpayers at least $400 billion.

Dems share blame for Speaker’s fall, Sweden’s telling crime surge and other commentary

The blame for former Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s ouster rests “with both parties’ leaders” for “failing to reach across the aisle to save the country from this mess,” argues Michael R....

Has Congress gone totally mad in holding up aid for Ukraine?

Kyiv is at a critical point in its war with Russia, in the midst of a vital counteroffensive that’s seen some success yet has faced fierce resistance.

US national debt hits $33 trillion mark for first time ever

According to Treasury Department data, the federal government has spent nearly quarter of its budget -- 23% -- on Social Security in fiscal year 2023.

The cold hard reality is we must rein in drunken government spending

Government spending is driving the nation up to the precipice.

The media is finally waking up to the sham stats behind Biden's economy boasts

After perennially and uncritically repeating President Biden’s false claims about cutting the federal budget deficit, The Washington Post admitted that Biden will double the deficit this year to $2 trillion.

Biden boasts about cutting federal budget deficit -- as it soars

The nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget projects that the federal deficit for fiscal 2023 will hit $2 trillion -- up from $1.38 trillion last year.

5 lies Biden is telling you today about the economy

For a White House that says it’s committed to combating “misinformation” in the media and on the Internet, President Biden's economic-recovery narrative is right out of an Aesop’s fable.

Peer review's simply a sham, reversing the economic backslide and other commentary

The “scientific establishment” muzzled “alternative views” on masks’ efficacy, lockdowns’ effectiveness, whether “vaccines prevented transmission” and more.