
Physically healthy Dutch woman Zoraya ter Beek, 29, dies by assisted suicide

She reportedly had been hoping to end her life since she was a child as she was bullied growing up and often felt like she didn't fit in. 

Terminal breast cancer patient euthanized on beach after she reveals her final day: 'Exactly what she wanted'

"I feel I've been given this massive gift. I feel privileged," she said. "How many people get a chance to do that when they pass away?"

Physically healthy woman, 29, granted euthanasia approval over her severe depression

“I feel relief. It’s been such a long fight.”

New Jersey town wants to gas geese to death over poop-filled park despite protests

"Your town is going to be known as the geese murderers," one resident told the council members.

Physically healthy Dutch woman, 28, decides to be euthanized due to crippling depression

She is just one of the growing number of people in the West who have decided to die rather than continue living in pain that, unlike a terminal illness, could...

Former Dutch prime minister and wife die 'hand in hand' in legal duo euthanasia

Dries Van Agt and his wife were very ill, but "couldn't live without each other."

Canadian woman battling long COVID applies for assisted suicide: 'It's not a good life'

Other than suffering a barrage of painful symptoms that have left her unable to cook for herself or even read, Tracey Thompson has been left penniless.

'Dangerous' Rottweiler may be euthanized after mauling owner

A woman who suffered severe injuries after she was mauled by her two pet Rottweilers could soon have her second dog euthanized after the local council deemed the animal “dangerous”....

Elderly Florida man savagely attacked, bitten by rabid otter 41 times while feeding ducks

The crazed critter was later captured and euthanized.

Netherlands doctors are euthanizing people with autism, intellectual disabilities: study

Several Dutch citizens who had autism or other intellectual disabilities have died by physician-assisted suicide in recent years after doctors determined their afflictions were untreatable obstacles to a normal life,...

Man fined after trying to help bison calf at Yellowstone that was later euthanized

Clifford Walters faced one count of feeding, touching, teasing, frightening, or intentionally disturbing wildlife and will have to pay a fined $500 fine and a series of other fees.

Baby raccoon euthanized after woman takes critter to a Petco for nail trim -- and let strangers kiss it

The woman carried the baby critter into the Auburn store to have its nails trimmed and allowed multiple people hold and kiss it.

Baby bison euthanized after Yellowstone tourist's rescue attempt caused it to be rejected by herd

A newborn bison calf at Yellowstone National Park had to be euthanized after a clueless tourist tried to help the struggling youngster cross a river -- causing it to then...

Model shares final moments with grandma before euthanasia

A Victoria's Secret model goes public in support of her beloved Bubbie's decision to end her life on her own terms: "It's the light at the end of the tunnel."

Dog, 19, killed by shelter just hours after wandering off: family

Workers at a Brooklyn animal shelter euthanized a lost, elderly dog just hours after it was brought in by a good samaritan -- outraging the pet owners who said 19-year-old...

Mom put to death — at her own request — after murdering her 5 kids

Genevieve Lhermitte, 56, murdered her children -- aged 3 to 14 -- on Feb. 28, 2007, in the town of Nivelles while their dad was away, the BBC reported.

Canada considers expanding euthanasia program to terminally ill minors

The committee’s 138-page report released this month listed a number of recommendations, including offering euthanasia to those under the age of 18.

YouTube star's assisted suicide claims put spotlight on 'death ward'

"One can euthanize young people, but specialists must certify that the disease is incurable," Dr. Yves de Locht declared.

Ex-Paralympian, veteran rips government for offering to euthanize her

Christine Gauthier is ripping her government, which offered to euthanize her after she complained about delays having a wheelchair lift installed in her home.

Canadian fashion company La Maison promotes assisted suicide's 'beauty' in ad

Canadian fashion company La Maison Simons promoted the "beauty" in voluntary euthanasia in a promotional video last month that is causing outrage on social media.