eric schneiderman

Dems donate $9K in Schneiderman contributions to domestic violence charity

​R​ed-faced Democrats ​on Thursday said ​​they’d given $8,900 in contributions from ​disgraced ex-Attorney General Eric ​Schneiderman to a domestic-abuse charity. “New York has led the nation in the fight for...

Schneiderman will 'vigorously' fight any charges, lawyer says

Eric Schneiderman's defense lawyer expressed confidence Thursday that he wouldn't be prosecuted over the assault claims that forced him from office -- but vowed to fight "vigorously" if he gets...

Vance gives in to special prosecutor taking over Schneiderman probe

Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. on Thursday dropped his objections to having a special prosecutor take over his investigation of Eric Schneiderman -- and said he lashed out at...

Samantha Bee to Eric Schneiderman: 'F--k you!'

TV comedian Samantha Bee has turned on New York state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman with a vengeance — retracting her past praise in a profane rant against the disgraced former...

Cuomo and Vance finally play nice over Schneiderman probe

Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance have apparently decided to share the sandbox and play nice over the criminal investigation into accused creep Eric Schneiderman. Cuomo, Vance, Nassau...

This is no way to choose a new attorney general

Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie on Wednesday announced a bipartisan procedure to tap the replacement for disgraced ex-Attorney General Eric Schnei­derman. Meanwhile, The Post’s Kirstan Conley reported that city Public Advocate...

Cuomo's lawyer rips Cy Vance over Schneiderman probe letter

Gov. Cuomo’s lawyer tore into Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance Jr. Wednesday for whining that a state probe into his office will prevent him from investigating accusations state Attorney General...

Women's group demands Schneiderman give funds to domestic violence victims

A leading women's-rights group demanded Wednesday that disgraced ex-Attorney General Eric Schneiderman use his $8.5 million political war chest to benefit victims of domestic violence. Sonia Ossorio, president of the...

Letitia James emerges as front-runner for AG

Public Advocate Letitia James emerged Wednesday as the early front-runner to replace scandal-tarred Eric Schneiderman as interim Attorney General — but blowback against a perceived Albany back-room deal has now...

Cuomo hits back at Vance over Schneiderman probe

Gov. Cuomo on Wednesday defended appointing a special prosecutor to investigate abuse allegations against ousted state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman -- saying it would have been "silly" to give Manhattan...

Schneiderman scurries past reporters outside NYC home

Disgraced Attorney General Eric Schneiderman bolted out of his Upper West Side apartment and into a waiting car Wednesday — grinning as he dodged questions about his alleged abuse and...

Cy Vance lashes out at Cuomo over Schneiderman decision

Manhattan DA Cy Vance lashed out at Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Tuesday night over the governor's refusal to let him investigate ousted Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. Cuomo appointed Nassau DA...

BDSM community angry at Schneiderman's 'role-playing' depiction

Many members of what's widely known as the kink community are outraged that Eric Schneiderman, in resigning as New York's attorney general, depicted his alleged violence toward several women as...

Victims' advocate rips #MeToo 'hypocrite' Schneiderman

His legacy is dripping in irony. Eric Schneiderman had been at the forefront of prosecuting sexual predators such as Harvey Weinstein as part of the #MeToo movement — and even...

Cuomo appoints Nassau County DA to investigate Schneiderman

Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Tuesday appointed Nassau County DA Madeline Singas to investigate ousted Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and his alleged violent mistreatment of several women. “The integrity of our...

Why New York attorneys general are such power-mad freaks

The fact that two of the last three men who served as New York attorney general were ousted from public life for sexual misbehavior clearly will overshadow a much bigger...

Get Cy Vance off the Schneiderman case

Only in New York would a district attorney open a probe into #MeToo allegations against the man investigating his own office for mishandling a #MeToo claim against one of his...

Add Schneiderman to the list of abusers enabled by the left

Deep in the stunning New Yorker piece that felled Eric Schneiderman is a remarkable revelation. One of his four alleged victims — who said he routinely choked, slapped and spit...

Letitia James is already gunning for attorney general

Public Advocate Letitia James wasted no time trying to elbow her way to the front of the pack seeking to replace Eric Schneiderman as state attorney general, The Post has...

Spitzer, Weiner, Schneiderman: a bunch of power-hungry perverts

In the beginning there was Eliot, who was followed by Anthony, and now there is Eric — each in his day a superstar rising, and each now irrevocably framed in...