eric holder

Dems use the legal system to target the right — yet give the left a pass

Laws that hamper Democrats are ignored. Laws that might be used to hurt Republicans are enforced to — and often well past — the limits of the law.

How Dems and dark money are plotting to blow up the Supreme Court

A former Hillary Clinton campaign staffer and others on the left have been pushing to expand the Supreme Court since President Donald Trump first took office.

Dems' 'end of democracy' warnings on GOP gerrymanders prove totally hypocritical

After years of complaining about Republicans gerrymandering, the Democrats are redrawing like never before with the help of partisan state courts, Michael Barone writes.

Psaki cites 'Holder model' as standard despite Obama AG's phone-dump woes

Jen Psaki said the Biden Justice Department intends to follow former AG Eric Holder's policies regarding journalists. In 2013, Holder was criticized when the department seized phone records.

Trump impeachment lawyer says 'floodgates will open' if Senate convicts him

Former President Donald Trump's lead impeachment lawyer warned Tuesday that "the floodgates will open" if the Senate convicts Trump of inciting the deadly storming of the Capitol by his supporters....

Former Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder spokesman calls for defunding police

Brian Fallon, former spokesman for Attorney General Eric Holder, called for cutting off funds for police departments in the wake of George Floyd’s death while in custody of Minneapolis police....

Mexico sends US note over Obama-era gun-running scheme

Mexico’s foreign minister announced in a video posted on Twitter that he sent a note to the US Embassy asking for answers about an ill-fated gun-running scheme dubbed “Fast and...

Former AG Eric Holder endorses Joe Biden for president

“This is one of those issues that people are going to be surprised at how forward-leaning he’s likely to be,” Holder, who served with Biden during President Obama's two terms,...

Eric Holder tells Paul Sperry to 'shut the hell up' about prosecutor in Andrew McCabe probe

Former Attorney General Eric Holder lashed out at journalist and author Paul Sperry on Twitter Wednesday, telling Sperry that he should "shut the hell up" about federal prosecutor Molly Gaston's...

Eric Holder may be joining the 2020 presidential race

Everybody into the presidential pool! Eric Holder, the former attorney general and self-proclaimed “wingman” to President Barack Obama, may be on the brink of diving into the Democrats’ nomination fight,...

Arnold Schwarzenegger wears scene-stealing patriotic cowboy boots

The former Governor wore some patriotic footwear for his talk on gerrymandering.

Ex-AG Eric Holder to decide on 2020 bid 'in the next month or so'

DES MOINES, Iowa — Former Attorney Gen. Eric Holder said Tuesday he is in the final stages of deciding whether to seek the 2020 Democratic nomination for president and plans...

Trump dishes on 'lowlife' Eric Holder, Hillary and the 2020 race

The sentiment came from the President of the United States, but reflects a common feeling among conservatives and Republicans. He and they are ever more certain that one of the...

Michelle Obama's much-needed words of wisdom

With much of the Democratic Party going nuts, former first lady Michelle Obama is sticking by her “when they go low, we go high” advice. Thank you, ma’am. Her husband’s...

Michelle Obama rejects Eric Holder's 'kicking' Republicans remark

Michelle Obama stuck to her positive political philosophy Thursday, rejecting ex-Attorney General Eric Holder’s remark that when Republicans “go low,” Democrats should “kick them.” “Fear is not a proper motivator....

Eric Holder: 'When they go low, we kick ’em'

Former Attorney General Eric Holder said he disagrees with Michelle Obama’s high-minded slogan: “When they go low, we go high." “When they go low, we kick ‘em,” the 67-year-old former...

Eric Holder says MAGA slogan is 'rooted in fear'

Former Attorney General Eric Holder slammed the mindset of “Make America Great Again,” President Trump’s signature slogan, according to a report. “This sort of thinking, this 'Make America Great' mindset...

Another sign Eric Holder might run for president

Ex-Attorney General Eric Holder will speak at the annual New Hampshire “Politics & Eggs” breakfast hosted by Saint Anselm College and the New England Council, according to a report Wednesday....

Eric Holder says he's considering a run for the White House

Eric Holder, former President Barack Obama's attorney general, confirmed Wednesday that he's considering throwing his hat in the ring for the 2020 presidential race. "We'll see," he said during a...

Uber CEO Kalanick likely taking leave of absence

SAN FRANCISCO — Uber Technologies Inc. Chief Executive Travis Kalanick is likely to take a leave of absence from the troubled ride-hailing company, but no final decision has yet been...