elite high schools

Letters to the Editor — May 5, 2021

The Issue: Schools Chancellor Meisha Ross-Porter’s call to eliminate admissions tests at elite schools. Seth Barron was exactly right — the test to enter elite high schools is not the...

NYC DOE official called parents who support specialized high school tests 'bigots'

A Department of Education official lashed out at supporters of the specialized high school entrance exam, calling them "bigots" in an online screed. The accusation was leveled in the comment...

Don't blame the test for the small number of minorities at elite NYC high schools

The class of ninth-graders that in September will enter the city’s eight “specialized high schools” — entry to which is determined solely by doing well on a standardized test —...

Killing the elite-schools exam is just shooting the messenger

New chancellor, same old response to the vexingly few black and Hispanic students scoring seats at the city’s top public high schools: Like her predecessor, Schools Chancellor Meisha Porter blames...

NYC schools chancellor calls for end to elite school test as Asians dominate

Schools Chancellor Meisha Ross-Porter called for an end to the specialized high school entrance exam Thursday while fuming about new admissions data that showed Asians dominating the controversial test once...

Letters to the Editor — April 20, 2021

The Issue: A letter from a parent who pulled his child out of Brearley School over its race-focused curriculum. Thank you to Andrew Gutmann for saying the truth about the...

Fed-up father who wrote scathing letter to elite NYC school about race focus: 'Someone had to'

A father fed up with an elite Manhattan prep school’s heavy-handed focus on race won’t re-enroll his daughter in the fall, accusing the school of trying to “brainwash” kids with...

Head of NYC's posh Dalton School splitting at the end of 2021

The head of an elite Manhattan private school in the throes of an internal war over its progressive agenda is leaving at the end of the year. Dalton School chief...

Biden stocks cabinet with elite prep school grads

The silver spoons comes in all colors and creeds. While President Biden has largely delivered on his promise to assemble the most diverse cabinet in US history, there has been...

NYC parents worry Carranza will use COVID-19 as excuse to cancel the SHSAT

The Department of Education’s high school handbook says the SHSAT will be given to 8th graders on Saturday Nov. 7 and Sunday Nov. 8.

The wild scandals of NYC's elite prep school scene

"'Gossip Girl' didn’t go far enough. They had to keep it more PG-13," said author and prep school alum Wil Glavin. "My book is more R-rated."

Principal of elite NYC high school leaving for another job

The principal of Stuyvesant High School, the crown jewel of New York's public education system and one of the top high schools in the nation, will depart for a new...

Lauder backed group ramps up fight to keep NYC elite school test

A group backed by business titan Ronald Lauder is ramping up its fight to preserve the controversial specialized high school admissions exam. Along with former Time Warner CEO Richard Parsons,...

DOE could end screening for top NYC schools after coronavirus pandemic

The coronavirus may kill the controversial practice of “screening” students for admittance to NYC’s most coveted middle and high schools, at least temporarily.

Coronavirus could leave top students unprepared for high school

Students who won admission to the city's hyper-competitive specialized high schools next year are concerned about falling behind due to coronavirus school closures. While the Department of Education is marshaling...

Carranza keeps treating his minority critics like they're un-persons

Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza has an ugly habit of pretending most of his critics don’t exist — ignoring them so he can claim that only the privileged oppose him. Does...

'Fame' high school gets well-liked pianist to replace ousted principal

The “Fame" high school has a new principal, one who promises to sing a new tune after her embattled predecessor got the boot, The Post has learned.

De Blasio hasn’t remotely abandoned his war on the city’s top schools

Nearly 30,000 city students will sit for the Specialized High School Admissions Test this weekend and next Wednesday — despite Team de Blasio’s best efforts to the contrary. Not that...

NYC parents fight glitchy DOE website to enroll kids in school admission test

City parents are in a last-minute frenzy trying to help their kids finish this year’s murky, glitch-prone process of applying for the specialized high school entrance exam. With the crucial...

Richard Parsons calls City Hall's specialized HS plan 'insulting'

Business titan Richard Parsons called City Hall's plan to scrap the specialized high school admissions test to boost diversity "insulting" Thursday — arguing that it demeaned black and Hispanic academic...