
Elephant flips over SUV with family in it at wildlife nature park

This family's wildlife safari just got trunk-acated after an angry elephant flipped over their car with them inside,

Elephants are dying from eating plastic waste in Sri Lankan dump

Around 20 elephants have died over the last eight years after consuming plastic trash in the dump in Pallakkadu village in Ampara district, about 210 kilometers (130 miles) east of...

Terrifying moment sex-crazed 13-foot elephant charges safari truck

Bull elephants, when they are ready to breed, see their testosterone levels multiplying by up to 60 times.

Africa sees elephant baby boom thanks to pandemic

In a one truly unexpected upswing to the pandemic lockdown, in Kenya, the lack of tourism and dearth of expensive safari trips led to — a lot — of sex...

Indonesia baby elephant dies after losing half of her trunk

The 1-year-old female was among the last of the island’s 700 wild Sumatran elephants.

Baby elephant loses half its trunk to Indonesia poacher trap

A baby elephant in Indonesia’s Sumatra island has had half of her trunk amputated after being caught in what authorities said Monday was a trap set by poachers.

Poacher trampled to death by elephant in South African national park

A suspected poacher is believed to have been trampled to death by an elephant after the man’s mangled body was found in South Africa’s Kruger National Park.

Elephants have evolved to be tuskless due to poaching: study

New findings suggest that, as a result of widespread poaching, elephants have evolved to not have tusks. 

Elephants squashing pumpkins is a freaky fall tradition

Elephant ASMR, anyone? Listen to the satisfying sound of the herd at the Oregon Zoo in Portland smashing pumpkins for the 23rd annual “Squishing of the Squash” event.

Angry elephant smashes bus windshield with tusks in shocking video

The driver has been praised for remaining calm in the face of the animal attack in India.

Twin elephants born in Sri Lanka in rare occurrence

Video footage from local Hiru TV media showed the grey calves on their feet and eating leaves around their mother's legs.

New Sri Lankan law bans drunk driving while riding elephants

"The person who owns or has the custody of such elephants shall ensure that the mahout is not consuming any liquor or any harmful drug while employed," said the country's...

Elephants in India enjoy fruit feast ahead of own world day

The center observes a week of events surrounding World Elephant Day, which falls on Aug. 12.

Wandering elephant herd may be heading home after yearlong China trek

The 14 Asian elephants, including three calves, were spotted on Sunday heading across a bridge in China's southwestern Yunnan province.

Graphic video captures man trampled to death by taunted elephant

A man was trampled to death in northeast India by an elephant after a crowd provoked a herd outside a forest reserve at the Morongi tea estate.

One of China’s wandering elephants is returned to reserve

The elephants attracted nationwide attention after they left the reserve in Yunnan province last year and walked more than 300 miles north.

Angry elephants chase Jeep full of tourists

When Dumbo attacks! An enormous elephant charged a safari truck at Bandipur Tiger Reserve in southern India. The fleeing tourists then came face-to-face with another enraged elephant, momentarily blocking their...

Elephant rams through kitchen wall to swipe Thai family's food

The pilfering pachyderm was discovered rummaging around in their pantry with its trunk at 2 a.m. Footage showed an elephant-shaped hole in the wall that the thieving tusker had rammed...

Naptime is over: Infrared spots China’s wandering elephants

These elephants are truly unforgettable. The herd of nomadic pachyderms that went viral for napping in China has been spotted again. Watch infrared drone footage of the herd after they...

A herd of elephants is trekking across China and just got caught napping

A herd of wild elephants was seen taking a break to spoon while sleeping during an epic 313-mile journey across China that has enthralled the world.