
Broke women prefer more feminine facial features over manly men: study

If dude looks like a lady he might be Mr. Right.

Shatter the Glass Ceiling: School program empowers young women in economics

As the saying goes, any girl could tell you about the latest trends in fashion, movies and makeup products. But could she tell you about the latest trends in the...

Yellen pitches Bidenomics in Beijing — making America a laughingstock

A recent Economist/YouGov survey showed 29% of voters are worried more about the economy and inflation than any other issue.

Why Biden's pathetic 'economic populist' State of the Union ploy is sure to fail

Advance word is that President Biden will offer a whole new agenda in his State of the Union speech Thursday night.

Biden's inane war on 'shrinkflation' only underlines the inflation he's caused

The White House is targeting the practice known as “shrinkflation,” or companies keeping the nominal price of a product the same while decreasing the amount.

The world’s drowning in debt — brace yourself for economic turbulence

As Harvard’s Kenneth Rogoff and Carmen Reinhart said in their book “This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly,” unless addressed promptly overindebtedness almost always ends in tears.

Fowl play: Thieves steal 133 tons of chicken from Cuban plant to buy laptops, appliances

The "fowl" play was committed by shift bosses, IT workers and security guards at the Havana plant.

Most millennials think they’re more financially mature than their parents

According to new research, more than half of millennials think they’re more mature than their parents — financially, that is.

Economist explains why electric vehicles could be the 'next big flop'

Just like Ford’s "Edsel" model in the 1950s, Trump administration economist Steve Moore cautioned that electric vehicles (EVs) may be the auto market's "next big flop."

How this one popular restaurant can make — or break — a mall

Sourdough bread might be what's keeping malls from going sour themselves.

A middle finger to new mandates, the grim result of Bidenomics and other commentary

Personal savings have dropped, and “Americans are even draining their 401(k) plans to cover expenses.” Credit card debt has also spiked, with “51% of Americans unable to pay off their”...

5 lies Biden is telling you today about the economy

For a White House that says it’s committed to combating “misinformation” in the media and on the Internet, President Biden's economic-recovery narrative is right out of an Aesop’s fable.

The ruinous miseducation of Gen Z, who actually believe America is worse off today

The average college student graduates with nearly $30,000 in debt. But if a stunning new poll is anything to go by, students shell out all those tuition dollars just to...

Hate speech posted on economics website EJMR is traced to leading universities, research finds

Users of Economics Job Market Rumors, known for its toxic content, include individuals at top-tier colleges and universities, including Harvard, Stanford and the University of Chicago, and many others.

Biden's word salad explanation of his economic plan kowtows to teamsters

If 30,000 blue-collar workers are laid off, you can chalk it up to Bidenomics — the one that Sleepy Joe won’t fess up to while stumbling through one of his...

Treasury secretary bows to Chinese counterpart, ripped for showing US weakness

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen bowed to her Chinese counterpart multiple times without reciprocation in Beijing Saturday -- a protocol error that critics flagged as a sign of American weakness.

Janet Yellen following Antony Blinken to Beijing to address 'areas of concern' in US-China relations

Yellen's Thursday-Sunday visit is meant to address "areas of concern” in the relationship between the world's two largest economies.

Thank Adam Smith for our prosperity — and hope progs don't destroy it

Monday, June 5, marks the 300th birthday of a Scottish philosopher considered the father of free-enterprise capitalism and our prosperity.

Another sign of looming recession: Costco shoppers are buying more of this

It's a bad sign of the times.

The Taylor Swift ticket snafu shows you can't stop markets from working

Taylor Swift wanted to keep ticket prices to her Eras tour out of the hands of scalpers — and thus affordable to fans. Instead, tickets broke records, some going for...