dzhokhar tsarnaev

Marathon 'victim' statements show the terrorists didn't win

Amid the outpouring of searing anguish and righteous anger as the Marathon bomber was sentenced in Boston on Wednesday, the statements from survivors and families also spoke of a quiet...

At death sentencing, Marathon bomber finally says he's sorry

Now he’s sorry. Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev broke his over two-year silence Wednesday, apologizing to his victims and their families moments before a judge formally sentenced him to death....

Victims confront 'cowardly,' 'disgusting' Boston Marathon bomber

BOSTON — Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev returned to court Wednesday to be formally sentenced to death and listened as victims and their loved ones came forward one by one...

Boston Marathon bomber's college pal gets 6 years in prison

Dias Kadyrbayev, a college friend of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was sentenced Tuesday to six years in prison after he apologized to the victims and their families for not...

Friendly fire likely wounded cop in battle with Boston bombers

It's "highly likely" that a police officer who was critically injured in a dramatic gunbattle with the Boston Marathon bombers was struck by friendly fire, a district attorney said Tuesday.

Why America is turning against the death penalty

Without a definitive judicial ruling or other galvanizing event, a perennial American argument is ending. Capital punishment is withering away. It is difficult to imagine moral reasoning that would support...

'Justice for my family': Survivors react to bomber's death sentence

Survivors of the Boston marathon bombing felt relief and closure Friday as they learned the coward who attacked the finish line would be sentenced to death. “He took away his...

Boston bomber sentenced to death

Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was sentenced to death Friday for the 2013 terror attack — and he reacted by flashing a wry grin and pointing his fingers like a...

'Dead Man Walking' nun says Boston bomber feels remorse

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's lawyers rested their case Monday in their bid to save him from execution after death penalty opponent Sister Helen Prejean testified that Tsarnaev expressed genuine sorrow for the...

Judge to decide if 'Dead Man Walking' nun will testify in Boston bombing trial

Defense lawyers for Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokar Tsarnaev will have to wait until Monday to learn if famed “Dead Man Walking” nun Helen Prejean will be allowed to testify in...

Marathon bomber apologized for flipping the bird: cop

BOSTON — Defense lawyers for Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev tried on Wednesday to defuse an image of Tsarnaev giving the middle finger to a camera in his holding cell...

Boston Marathon bomber cries at death penalty trial

For the first time in court, Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev dropped his blank, impassive demeanor and cried as his sobbing aunt briefly took the stand Monday in his federal...

Harassment case against Boston Marathon bombers' sister dismissed

A Manhattan judge Monday dismissed the harassment case againstAilina Tsarnaev, the sister of Boston Marathon bombers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, for allegedly threatening to blow up her boyfriend’s baby mama....

Big bro's gory photos the focus at Tsarnaev sentencing trial

The older brother of convicted Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev kept photos of mutilated kids on his laptop, defense lawyers showed Tuesday, in hopes of shifting blame and saving their...

Boston Marathon bomber's lawyer urges jury to spare his life

BOSTON — Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's lawyers pleaded with a jury Monday to spare his life, portraying him as "a good kid" who was led down the path to...

Video shows defiant Tsarnaev as feds argue for death penalty

[theplatform account="4uMbOC" media="media/guid/2389494712/4xw58dWk26fbMZDQhEOdsFmCenaHaEY6" player="gm_EJGhnGLiu"]The unrepentant bastard has pure contempt for America. Boston Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev flipped the bird to a jailhouse security camera in a damning video played for jurors...

Second Boston Marathon to be run since 2013 bombing

The second Boston Marathon since the deadly 2013 bombing is being run Monday, with an expected million spectators lining the route amid high security featuring bag checks and cameras trained...

Parents of Boston bombing victim want no death penalty

BOSTON — The parents of the youngest victim of the Boston Marathon bombing are urging federal authorities to consider taking the death penalty off the table for the man convicted...

Justice for Boston: Death-penalty poster boy

How about now? Are you in favor of the death penalty now? I ask because the preferred argument from opponents of the death penalty is doubt: We can never be...

'Feminist' Hillary Clinton is simply a fool

Hillary Rodham Clinton is the first dame ever to have clawed her way to the dizzying heights of American politics through a combination of ruthless cunning and the unabashed pity...