donald trump

Manhattan DA Bragg slammed in hundreds of thousands of online posts: data

It's an open and shut case online against Manhattan's soft-on-crime DA, who scored a dismal 56% in negative sentiment in discussions, articles and mentions across various platforms in the US over...

Biden heading to ritzy Hamptons fundraiser today after calls to drop out

The president and first lady will head off from La Guardia at noon to a reception in East Hampton, NY, hosted by hedge-fund billionaire Barry Rosentein and his wife, Lizanne.

Bill Maher said Biden 's--t the bed' at the debate: 'His new Secret Service name is Amber Heard'

"I mean Trump told lie after lie after lie. He never would have gotten away with that if Joe Biden was there," Maher said to laughter

$45K golden high-tops: Donald Trump merch is a hit with collectors

If the presidential election was determined by the value of their memorabilia, Donald Trump would win in a cakewalk, experts say.

Trump wins over Latinos — who say he is better on immigration, economy and social issues

This year, 36.2 million Hispanic Americans are eligible to vote, up from 32.3 million in 2020.

Former doctor to Obama, Trump calls on Biden to resign

“This is a national security issue," Dr. Ronny Jackson told The Post by phone after President Biden's disastrous debate performance.

Undecided voters unimpressed with Biden, Trump after first presidential debate: 'Considering voting third party'

The Post talked to undecided voters in battleground states and got their reaction to the face-off — and Biden’s shocking performance.

Biden's debate debacle revealed opposing visions for America

Everyone paid attention to how bad Biden looked and sounded — not what he was saying — but the debate showed voters two starkly different policy paths for the nation.

Jocelyn Nungaray's mom 'shocked' by call from Trump minutes before he took debate stage: 'Thinking about her'

"He was like, I'm actually about to come on for a debate ... He gave his condolences and he said that he would be reaching back out to her."

‘Hands-on mother' Melania Trump has deal with Donald to not be '24/7' first lady if he wins presidency

An insider says that, "Melania has made a deal with her husband that if he wins the presidency she will not have to be on first lady duty 24/7."

Top Dem donor says it's 'wishful thinking' that Biden will quit race despite 'appalling' debate

“I thought the performance was appalling but not catastrophic, and there is more than enough time to turn it around,” Myers added.

Trump-Biden debate a fundraising boon as both candidates rake in millions

Trump, 78, was overwhelmingly seen as the winner of the first presidential debate.

After debate, Dems have no great Biden replacement theory

The bodyguard of lies that protected Joe Biden from questions about his fitness for office has finally fallen away, but there’s no mechanism to force him out of the race...

President Biden's dismal debate performance Letters to the Editor — June 29, 2024

NY Post readers discuss evidence of President Biden’s cognitive decline during the presidential debate on June 27.

Ex-Trump official’s bid to avoid prison denied by SCOTUS

Bannon was sentenced to serve four-months behind bars and faces a July 1 deadline to report to prison.

NY Times calls on Biden to drop out of 2024 presidential race 'to serve his country' after abysmal debate performance

The New York Times editorial board called on President Biden to step aside as the presumptive Democratic nominee in the 2024 presidential race Friday, one day after his abysmal performance...

Trump riffs on Dems who could replace Biden at first post-debate rally

Donald Trump on Friday pooh-poohed the idea that President Biden would be replaced as the Dem presidential candidate even after his lousy debate showing -- saying it’s not like the...

Nowhere left for the lying Dems and media to cover up for jellyhead Joe Biden

After Biden’s disastrous performance in the first presidential debate against Donald Trump, there is no amount of gaslighting or deceit that’s going to fool voters again.

Even the majority of Dems think Biden didn't win debate, according to Post poll

Respondents to the Post poll overwhelmingly said the former president emerged victorious -- with the majority of Democrats also indicating that Biden didn't win.

Post-Biden, we must secure the border to address the looming national-security threat

Two days after news broke that 50 ISIS-linked illegal migrants were on the loose in the US, Biden dismissed the threat of terrorists entering our country through the southern border.