dilma rousseff

Brazil's Senate votes to impeach president

BRASILIA, Brazil — Brazil's Senate on Wednesday voted to remove President Dilma Rousseff from office, the culmination of a yearlong fight that paralyzed Latin America's most powerful economy and exposed...

Brazil's president proclaims innocence at impeachment trial

BRASILIA, Brazil — In a 14-hour session that was less electric than expected, Brazil's suspended president proclaimed her innocence at her impeachment trial Monday, branding her vice president a "usurper,"...

Brazil opens Olympics with Olympic corruption

Every four years, political leaders have tried to set aside feuds and celebrate the world’s best athletes as they compete for medals and glory — a tradition that harkens back...

Brazil's breakdown doesn't end with the ouster of its prez

Dilma Rousseff has no one to blame for the messy Brazil she leaves behind but herself, and the outdated Latin American political dogma she clings to. Rousseff was temporarily removed...

3 months before Olympics, Brazil is tearing itself apart

BRASILIA, Brazil — Brazil's Senate voted Thursday to impeach President Dilma Rousseff after a months-long fight that laid raw the country's fury over corruption and economic decay, hurling Latin America's...

Behind Brazil's corruption crisis is a deeper socialist disaster

The looming impeachment of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff is about more than cooking the books to hide election-year spending or looting the state-owned oil company for her campaigns and cronies....

Brazil re-elects Dilma Rousseff as president

RIO DE JANEIRO — Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff has been re-elected to a second term to lead the world's fifth-largest nation. Official results released Sunday by Brazil's top electoral court...