devon coley

Gangbanger wanted in alleged cop threats turns self in

Cops on Friday finally picked up the gang member who skipped a court date after he was let out without bail following alleged NYPD death threats, sources said. Devon Coley,...

Man wanted in alleged cop threats parties the night away

The alleged gang member charged with threatening the NYPD with copycat killings just hours after two cops were assassinated in Brooklyn spent New Year’s Eve partying almost until dawn —...

De Blasio reappoints judge who freed men who threatened cops

Mayor Bill de Blasio delivered another blow to New York’s Finest on Wednesday when he reappointed a Brooklyn judge who freed without bail two men who threatened cops just days...

Judge turns loose thug who posted gun threat against cops

A Brooklyn judge cut loose a gang member who had posted online threats to gun down cops in the hours after two NYPD officers were executed in their patrol car...

Gangbanger busted for threatening NYPD

A Brooklyn gangbanger was busted Monday for making threats against cops after the assassination of two police officers over the weekend, law-enforcement sources told The Post. Devon Coley, 18, was...

NYPD searching for reputed gang member who threatened cops

The NYPD is searching for a reputed Brooklyn gang-banger who threatened cops by posting an online photo of a man opening fire into a marked police cruiser -- just hours...