
Is the Federal Reserve prepared for the coming deflationary shock from China?

Anyone doubting that China has pursued an unsustainable growth model need only look at its property and credit market bubble.

Russia's, China's economic eclipse proves US system is still the best

For all its faults, our democratic and free-market economic system beats hands down the top-down and autocratically run economies of our main political rivals.

China's Madoff economy could come crashing down — with worldwide effect

Like the infamous Bernie Madoff, the Chinese government reported 7% to 8% growth each year no matter what really happened to the economy

China tips into deflation as efforts to stoke recovery falter

Anxiety is rising that China is entering an era of much slower economic growth akin to the period of Japan's "lost decades," which saw consumer prices and wages stagnate for...

Used car prices are falling — but monthly payments are spiking as Fed hikes rates

Interest-rate hikes from the Fed are raising average monthly car payments despite falling prices for used cars, according to a study. The average monthly payment for used cars is 47%...

Walmart has another bad quarter, thanks to food deflation

Walmart laid an egg on Thursday — a big, fat cheap ol’ egg. The discount retailer lost about $7 billion in value — or 3.4 percent off its share price...

US cannot afford to import China's deflation

There are many things Americans import — think chocolates, flat-screen televisions, iPhones and, of course, German autos. But the one thing the US can’t afford to import now is deflation....