dear john

Why driving for a living is tougher than ever -- thanks to Uber

Dear John: As you know, driving for a living has always been tough. But now, it’s tougher than ever. I had a small service, but as Uber came in, I...

Veterans are entitled to free hearing aids through the VA

Readers: As I mentioned a few weeks back, Nano Hearing Aids — — was giving away 24 pairs of hearing aids through this column. The company is in the...

Insurance money for homeless disabled veteran proves evasive

Dear John: My brother passed away in February 2018 and for two years I have been stalled by the insurance company in my efforts to obtain the insurance money. I...

More lucky winners named in Nano Hearing Aids giveaway contest

Readers: As I mentioned a few weeks back, Nano Hearing Aids — — was giving away 24 pairs of hearing aids through this column. The company is in the...

Can you help me get my correct 1099 info from Uber?

Dear John: I’ve driven for Uber the last few years, and in the past, when it gave me my 1099 tax form, my “gross earned income” was the exact amount...

'Dreaming' reader gets help with complex mortgage issue

Dear John: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I hesitated writing to you for fear I was dreaming. Today I got a call from PHH Mortgage. The woman mentioned you,...

Church gets good news after 'Dear John' intervenes in bank fraud investigation

Dear John: Thank you! You have provided our church with some good news in the midst of this pandemic. I cannot adequately put into words our gratitude to you. One...

My daughter's non-essential NYC job is forcing her to work in-office with staff

Dear John: I would like to get your advice on an issue. My daughter works in Flushing in a non-essential job for a non-essential business. The business owner is requiring...

Veterans win latest Nano Hearing Aids giveaway

Readers: As I mentioned a few weeks back, Nano Hearing Aids — — was giving away 24 pairs of hearing aids through this column. The company is in the...

Meet the first 4 winners of 'Dear John's Nano Hearing Aids contest

Readers: I’m getting pretty tired of all this virus talk. So I’m going to change the topic today to something that will make two dozen people happy — free hearing...

'Dear John' reader gets lemonade for a GM lemon

Dear John: I would like to fax to you 21 pages of correspondence in dealing with General Motors on one of their defective vehicles. My vehicle, a 2019 Chevy Camaro,...

Restaurateur gives tips on helping coronavirus-hit industry

Dear John: I’m a restaurateur. As you know one of the biggest business areas affected by this coronavirus crisis is the hospitality industry. We have no way of knowing how...

Can't we dip into our retirement money at a reduced tax rate?

Dear John: I have been following you for over 25 years. Is there any chance the proposal that you wrote in 2004 about dipping into retirement money at a reduced...

'Dear John' helps make the world a little fairer, reader says

Dear John: I read your column regularly and appreciate what you do to alleviate the unfairness and frustration the average person shares when trying to deal with a business or...

Credit card age is often considered — even if it's been closed

Dear John: Jeff Richardson here from VantageScore. I thought I’d briefly point out that our models do in many cases consider the credit history and age of closed credit card...

StuyTown made me buy new door after FDNY busted it down

Dear John: I live in StuyTown, and about a year ago I was ill and had to call 911. The New York City Fire Department responded by breaking down my...

Car buyer teaches dealership valuable lesson after salesman tries to swindle her

Not only did she learn a valuable life lesson, but she taught a lot of others a lesson —- don’t let anyone push you around.

Optimum/Altice made me pay for cable boxes that were stolen

Dear John: You are my last resort.  I am trying to get a refund from Optimum/Altice. I have attached paperwork regarding all of my efforts.  My daughter and I are...

Nano’s new hearing aid giveaway for 'Dear John' readers

READERS: This is what many of you with hearing problems have been waiting for. Another company — this time Nano Hearing Aids — is willing to give away two dozen...

Stock market should be a lot more worried about coronavirus

The stock market should be worried. It should be a lot more worried than it is.