david hogg

State senator's aide fired for comparing Parkland survivor to Hitler

A longtime aide to Brooklyn state Sen. Marty Golden who compared students protesting gun violence to Adolf Hitler in a Facebook posting was ousted from his job on Tuesday. “Anthony...

State senator's aide compared student protester to Hitler

A longtime aide to Brooklyn state Sen. Marty Golden is under fire for comparing students protesting gun violence to Adolf Hitler in a Facebook posting. Anthony Testaverde posted a photo...

School shooting survivor tired of 'old ass parents' failing on gun control

Stoneman Douglas student David Hogg is "beyond exhausted." The 17-year-old has been working tirelessly in the wake of the Florida school massacre to help pave the way for gun reform...

Bill Maher Tells Parkland Students That Kids Today Are 'Way Brighter' About Gun Control

“We have never quite seen change like this,” Maher told the students about their impact on the nation’s gun reform debate.