darren wilson

No charges for ex-cop Darren Wilson in Michael Brown’s death, prosecutor says

CLAYTON, Mo. — St. Louis County’s top prosecutor announced Thursday that he will not charge the former police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, a dramatic decision...

Prosecutor who handled Michael Brown case ousted in primary

ST. LOUIS — A seven-term prosecuting attorney in St. Louis County who gained national attention with his handling of the investigation of the fatal police shooting of Michael Brown in...

You want to fix Ferguson? Start with facing the facts!

The fatal encounter between Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson and Michael Brown one year ago might be inseparable from the issue of racial bias and law enforcement — but...

Michael Brown's parents to sue Ferguson

ST. LOUIS — Lawyers for the parents of an unarmed, black 18-year-old who was fatally shot by a white police officer in a St. Louis suburb say they plan to...

WaPo columnist regrets supporting 'Hands up' mantra

The “mantra of a movement” was a myth. Washington Post columnist Jonathan Capehart penned a mea culpa expressing his regret that he ever supported the “Hands up, don’t shoot” rallying...

Embattled Ferguson police chief resigns

The embattled chief of the Ferguson, Mo., Police Department has resigned, effective next week, as part of a "mutual separation" between him and the city, the Ferguson council said Wednesday....

US finds racist, profit-driven practices in Ferguson

ST. LOUIS — A federal investigation into the police killing of an unarmed, black 18-year-old in Ferguson, Missouri, lays bare what officials contend are racist, profit-driven law enforcement practices in...

US clears officer in Ferguson case, criticizes police force

A former Ferguson, Missouri, police officer will not face federal civil rights charges in the fatal shooting of unarmed black teen Michael Brown, the Justice Department said Wednesday. The feds...

DOJ to slam Ferguson cops for racial bias in citations, arrests

The Justice Department is close to releasing a report that slams the city of Ferguson, Mo., for creating an unhealthy climate between police and the African-American community. The findings, which...

DOJ to clear Darren Wilson of civil rights charges

Federal authorities will not seek civil-rights charges against the Missouri cop who gunned down unarmed black teen Michael Brown, law-enforcement sources said Wednesday. Former Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson had...

Ferguson grand juror wants lifetime gag order lifted

ST. LOUIS — A member of the grand jury that declined to indict the Ferguson police officer who fatally shot 18-year-old Michael Brown is asking a Missouri court to remove...

Newly released docs show consistency in pal's account of Brown shooting

A prosecutor released hundreds of pages of additional documents Saturday from the investigation into the police shooting of Michael Brown, including an interview transcript of a friend who initially asserted...

Federal autopsy in Ferguson shooting echoes previous findings

ST. LOUIS — A federal autopsy in the Ferguson police shooting reached similar conclusions to those performed by local officials and a private examiner hired by 18-year-old Michael Brown's family,...

Ferguson v. New York City: Facing the facts

The grand jury system — indeed, the criminal jury system overall — is not perfect. And while I think the grand jury in Ferguson got it right by not indicting...

ISIS supporter arrested for threatening Darren Wilson on Facebook

A Washington state man, who proudly displays an ISIS flag on his Facebook page, was arrested for allegedly making threats against the life of the Ferguson, Mo., police officer who...

NYPD to begin testing body cameras amid chokehold ruling

The NYPD will begin testing body cameras on cops as soon as Friday, Mayor de Blasio and Commissioner Bill Bratton announced Wednesday. A pilot program is kicking off in three...

White House race charade: Irrelevant talk post-Ferguson

The White House response to Ferguson wouldn’t be complete without a meeting with Al Sharpton, the infamous agitator who has become President Barack Obama’s “go-to man on race,” in the...

The Prez and the Rev

President Obama was right about Ferguson when he told the American people last week, “We need to accept that this decision was the grand jury’s to make.” If the president...

NYPD makes multiple arrests at Ferguson protest

Cops made multiple arrests Monday afternoon when a Ferguson-related protest disrupted traffic around Union Square, the NYPD said. The demonstration was among dozens planned nationwide to protest a grand jury's...

The story of Ferguson was never that simple

On Tuesday, the day after it was announced that Officer Darren Wilson would not be charged in the slaying of Michael Brown, the president for a second time called for...