cy vance

Michael Cohen arrives at Manhattan DA's office for Trump probe interview

Former President Donald Trump’s fixer-turned-foe has already been questioned seven times by the office through video conferences.

Both NYPD and progressives pushed for Cy Vance to leave office

Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance is being squeezed out of office at both ends -- with progressives on one side complaining he isn't woke enough, and the NYPD on the...

Manhattan DA done: Vance won't seek re-election

Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance will not seek re-election to a fourth term, he announced Friday morning. “Representing the People of New York during this pivotal era for our city...

Daughter of NYPD cop says letter implicating police in Malcolm X's death is fake

The daughter of a deceased city police officer claims a letter said to be written by her father -- stating the NYPD and FBI were behind the assassination of Malcolm...

Trash tycoon busted for bribery has curious links to two Manhattan DAs

George Kalergios pleaded guilty on Wednesday to bribing a city college official to land a lucrative contract.

Malcolm X kin: Letter from former cop implicates NYPD, feds in his murder

Malcolm X’s family has released a letter it says was written by a deceased New York cop claiming the NYPD and FBI were behind the 1965 Harlem assassination of the...

NYC tax agency subpoenaed in Trump criminal probe

The Manhattan District Attorney’s Office has subpoenaed a New York City property tax agency as part of a criminal investigation into Donald Trump’s company, the agency confirmed on Friday, suggesting...

Cy Vance's case against Paul Manafort officially dead

New York's highest court has denied Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance's effort to charge former President Donald Trump's ex-campaign manager Paul Manafort in a mortgage fraud case. In the ruling...

Most Manhattan DA candidates care most for protecting . . . criminals

Manhattan will be getting a lot less safe if Democratic primary voters embrace any of the more criminal-friendly candidates to replace New York County District Attorney Cy Vance. Vance hasn't...

Manhattan DA candidate wants more cops on subways to combat crime spike

Democratic Manhattan DA candidate Liz Crotty said the city needs to hire 500 more cops to protect straphangers from an uptick in violent crime on the subways. In an op-ed...

DA tax probes could be miserable for Trump — and the rest of country

In a few short weeks, Donald Trump will no longer be president, but the serious and politically fraught investigations into him will continue well into 2021.  These investigations, unfortunately for...

Appeals court agrees to delay release of Trump's tax returns

The 2nd Circuit Court of appeals ordered the documents remain secret until at least Sept. 25, when they will hear merits argument in the president's appeal to block a subpoena.

Appeals court to rule on Trump's tax returns by end of day

In oral arguments in front of the 2nd Circuit Court, Carey Dunne, the lawyer for Manhattan DA Cy Vance, challenged Trump's assertion that their investigation into him is "over broad."

Trump legal team will argue for tax returns to remain hidden

President Trump's attorneys will argue Tuesday in front of a federal appeals court that his tax returns remain hidden — a day after they again urged the three-judge panel to...

Trump slams 'hideous witch hunt' after judge rejects bid to hide tax returns

President Trump on Thursday called an investigation into his financial records led by New York prosecutors "the most hideous witch hunt in the history of our country."

Federal judge rejects Trump's bid to hide tax returns from Manhattan DA

A federal judge on Thursday shot down President Trump's bid to hide his tax records from the Manhattan district attorney -- the latest blow to the president in his legal...

Trump files new suit to block 'wildly overbroad' Vance subpoena

President Trump on Monday refiled his lawsuit to block Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance from subpoenaing his tax returns -- calling the prosecutor's probe into his business "wildly overbroad." The...

Supreme Court grants Manhattan DA request to fast-track Trump tax return ruling

Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. could get his chance to try for President Trump's financial records a lot sooner after Chief Justice John Roberts on Friday granted his request...

Trump's tax return saga resume

Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. was awarded a minor win last week when the Supreme Court ruled in his favor and declared the president was not immune from state...

NYPD bodycam footage shows officer punching, dragging man off train

The NYPD and the Manhattan district attorney said Wednesday they are probing an incident caught on police bodycam footage that shows a man being punched and dragged off a No....