
Kourtney Kardashian's 'Calma Sutra' gives 12 positions to cuddle — and sleep better

You've probably heard of the "Kama Sutra" — and now there's the reality star's snooze-inspired take on the ancient book filled with mind-blowing sex positions.

I get paid $150 an hour to cuddle — I'm solving the loneliness crisis for men and Gen Z women

While her clientele is mostly comprised of married men between the ages of 40 and 60, she’s recently noticed an influx of Gen Z women seeking out her non-sexual snuggles...

Dear Abby: My ex-husband wants me back

Dear Abby gives out advice to a divorcee who is at crossroads with her ex and a husband who is worried about his wife's alcoholism.

Men pay $1,300 to hold me, but it's not about about sex

She says hugging helps "heal the body, mind and spirit" and insists her services have nothing to do with sex. 

Professional cuddlers offering virtual snuggle sessions in lockdown

Pro cuddlers are turning to screen snuggling as an alternative.

Coronavirus kills monthly cuddle party for non-sexual snuggles

Coronavirus has claimed its latest victim: a non-sexual cuddling party in San Francisco. The next monthly installment of Cuddle Party, scheduled for March 14, has been nixed as part of...

'Professional cuddler' instructed woman to 'suck her nipple': report

A professional cuddler took things too far when she asked a client to suckle at her breast, according to a report. The unnamed client filed a complaint with the state's...

These wild Airbnb 'experiences' include eating fire, cuddling with strangers

You can get hands-on with some of these experiences. Thousands of people are earning extra money — Airbnb claims some earn more than $200,000 a year — by hosting Airbnb...

This woman gets paid $80 an hour to cuddle

Meet Amy Grinnell: The Connecticut "cuddlist" who gets paid $80 an hour to snuggle. “It’s very professional and it’s very meaningful, the work that we do,” she said, speaking to...

Professional cuddlers are the cure for a lonely New Year's Eve

New Year’s Eve can be a lonely night for New Yorkers — and a lucrative one for professional cuddlers. Requests for sessions with “cuddlists” have surged by 50 percent this...

Your boyfriend may fantasize about cuddling with strangers

A new survey found that men secretly fantasize about cuddling with strangers. Researchers at Superdrug Online Doctor surveyed more than 1,600 Americans and Europeans in relationships and found that both men...

Mom makes $60-an-hour 'strictly cuddling' middle-aged men

This married mum-of-three rakes in $57,800-a-year by hugging total strangers. Jessica O'Neill, 35, started professional cuddling six months ago -- and makes $1,100-a-week from her unusual job. She spent a...

This author moonlights as a professional cuddler

Here’s a job you can wrap your arms around. Meet Fei Wyatt of Los Angeles, who is an author and has a part-time job as a professional cuddlier. Wyatt, 33,...

NJ police department offered blizzard 'cuddles'

To caress and serve. A New Jersey police department has offered "cuddles" to local residents who might need some heat during the winter storm. The Matawan Police Department posted an...

Cuddling, robots and holograms are replacing sex in Japan

Cuddling cafes where you can pay to gaze into a stranger’s eyes – or have them clean your ears with a cotton bud. Dates with girls who will dress up...

The key to happiness is found right after you orgasm

It’s no secret that people who have more sex are happier than those who rarely get lucky in the bedroom. But, while you might think it’s obvious why, new research...

'Very lonely' guys spend hundreds to cuddle with me

She’s New York’s most coveted paid companion. Lisa VanArsdale, 27, has cuddled her way to the top of the snuggling business as the Big Apple’s only five-star snuggler. “I just...

Here's what actually happens at 'cuddle parties'

Getting spooned by a stranger might be your idea of a nightmare-come-true. But believe it or not, getting cozy with complete randos is totally on-trend, thanks to the growing popularity...

Dogs really don't like to be hugged

Dogs might be man’s best friend, but that doesn’t mean they’re into cuddling. According to a new study from the University of British Columbia, they despise being hugged by humans....

'I'm the cuddle star': The man who has snuggled with 10K people

When a blond beauty came over to his house wearing Daisy Dukes and a halter top, comedy writer Mike Fine couldn’t resist. They got a bit tipsy, one thing led...