congressional baseball practice shooting

Investigators piece together last movements of baseball practice shooter

Law enforcement officials on Thursday were working to string together the movements of anti-Trump gunman James Hodgkinson in the months leading up to his shooting rampage on GOP lawmakers. Investigators...

Security surrounds congressional women's softball practice

A day after an anti-Trump zealot targeted the men’s GOP baseball team at a Virginia ball field, a congressional women’s softball team held practice in Washington amid beefed up security....

Victim of baseball practice shooting says he's lucky to be alive

A victim of the left-wing zealot who opened fire at a Virginia baseball field as the GOP team held practice said Thursday he was lucky to be alive.

Locals call GOP shooter a 'radical nut' who was 'reckless' with firearms

BELLEVILLE, Ill. — The gunman who critically wounded a Republican congressman during a shooting rampage at a baseball field was described by neighbors Wednesday as “obnoxious” about politics and “reckless”...

Some GOPers quick to blame Democrats for baseball practice shooting

Despite calls for harmony from President Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan, some GOP lawmakers quickly blamed Democrats for Wednesday’s shooting at a Republican congressional baseball practice. Anti-Trump political rhetoric...

Congressman shot at GOP baseball practice supports gun rights

He loves baseball — and the Second Amendment. Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.), who was critically wounded in Wednesday’s shooting, is a staunch defender of gun rights with an A-plus rating...

Scalise had 'severe internal bleeding,' needs several more operations: hospital

New details have emerged regarding the injuries House Majority Whip Steve Scalise suffered during Wednesday's shooting in Washington — including how the bullet that struck him "traveled across his pelvis,...

'He was hunting us': Congressman recounts horrific shooting

He was hunting us, and there was no place to go. When the first shot was fired, I didn’t really think much of it, other than that it was super...

Trump sits at bedside of 'critically injured' congressman

The president and First Lady Melania Trump brought flowers to the MedStar Washington Hospital where Congressman Steve Scalise was recovering from a gunshot wound on Wednesday night. The White House...

Political death threats becoming new, unsettling normal

It was heartening to see members of Congress from both parties echo calls for unity following Wednesday’s attempted massacre. Putting aside their habitual rancor, Democrats and Republicans joined together to...

It feels like America is descending into chaos

I turned 7 in 1968, and though my memories are necessarily fuzzy, I can still sum up a queasy sense of the chaos that pervaded the year as it streamed...

GOP baseball team shooter lived out of van before attack

The Illinois man who sprayed bullets into a practice of the Republican congressional baseball game Wednesday had been living in a white cargo van for the past three months, the...

Shooter targets GOP congressmen: Time to tone it down

The best news out of Wednesday’s targeted attack on Republican members of Congress and their aides is that it didn’t turn into an all-out bloodbath, thanks to the heroism of...

Scalise in critical condition after baseball shooting

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise is in critical condition after being shot during baseball practice in Alexandria, MedStar Washington Hospital Center said. Scalise was struck in the hip when 66-year-old...

Donald Trump Jr. compares GOP shooting to controversial play

Donald Trump Jr. weighed in on the shooting at a practice for a congressional baseball team on Wednesday ��� retweeting a post from a Trump supporter that compared the violence...

Gunman spent weeks scoping out field before shooting

Alexandria shooter James Hodgkinson lived out of a gym bag and hung out for the past month-and-a-half at the YMCA across the street from where he opened fire, according to...

The moment a gunman opened fire on GOP baseball team

Dramatic video from the shooting in Alexandria, Virginia, captured some of the chaos that ensued when a 66-year-old left-wing zealot opened fire on the GOP congressional baseball team. More than...

Congressman won't feel safe on baseball diamond again

A Congressman who was on the field when a gunman opened fire in Alexandria, Va. said he’ll never feel safe on a baseball diamond again. “I’ve always loved baseball, but...

GOP shooter posted cartoons about Steve Scalise

The Illinois liberal who shot and wounded Rep. Steve Scalise Wednesday morning during a GOP baseball practice blasted the Louisiana congressman in a Facebook post. “Here’s a Republican that should...

Congressional baseball game will go on despite shooting

The armed attack on Republican lawmakers-turned-ballplayers won’t stop the annual Congressional Baseball Game from being played on Thursday. The charity game is still set for 7:05 p.m. on Thursday at...