college protests

DA Bragg lets protesters off the hook: Letters to the Editor — June 26, 2024

NY Post readers discuss District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s decision to drop charges against 31 anti-Israel protesters and the MTA’s decision to stop an ADA accessibility project due to the congestion...

DA Bragg cuts 'em loose, again

Alvin Bragg just dismissed the cases of 31 of the 46 hooligans charged with occupying Columbia University’s Hamilton Hall in April.

Outrage as Manhattan DA Bragg’s office drops nearly all cases from Columbia University’s anti-Israel protest

Nearly all the protesters charged with storming and occupying Columbia University's campus during heated anti-Israel demonstrations won't face criminal charges, Manhattan prosecutors announced Thursday -- drawing outrage from law enforcement...

With pro-Hamas protests, each day's another Charlottesville

Outside the White House last weekend, anti-Israel protesters wore terrorist headbands; chanted for Hamas and Hezbollah to “kill another solider now” and “kill another Zionist now.”

NY needs to outlaw masking at protests NOW before more antisemitic goons run wild

Masks are being abused in total KKK style: AG James has a duty to reverse course -- especially if she wants to keep any hope of winning higher office.

Here's how Columbia University needs to draw the line between activism and discrimination

This week, Columbia University settled a lawsuit filed by a Jewish student who claimed the school failed to protect them. Now it's time for the school to educate students on...

As Ivy League prioritizes 'activism at expense of academics,' other schools rise to top for employers

Post-October 7th, employers are scrambling to find new hires from schools that didn’t devolve into protest chaos.

Columbia University alumnus snubs alma mater, donates $260M to Israeli university

"It's a smack in the face of Columbia. It's just the beginning," Hank Sheinkopf, a longtime political consultant and pro-Israel activist, told The Post.

What's with Joe Biden's love of Tehran — and why isn't it prompting an IranGate fury?

With all the news about Team Biden’s inexplicable support for Iran, you’d expect media outlets to be screaming “Iran, Iran, Iran” — just as they harped on “Russia, Russia, Russia”...

Even if Asghar Ali is 'just' a nut looking to kill Jews amid a surge in antisemitism, he still terrorized

After demented driver Asghar Ali allegedly attempted to mow down Orthodox students and a rabbi outside a Brooklyn yeshiva this week, cops were quick to say that there was no...

John Fetterman college commencement bravery shows why we need more Dems like him

Bravo Fetterman. The Democrats need more like you. 

Protesting is a pastime for the wealthiest, most privileged students

Washington Monthly found: "In the vast majority of cases, campuses that educate students mostly from working-class backgrounds have not had any protest activity."

Small group of elites are letting small group of college idiots drive policy

The importance given to the recent anti-Israel student protests at Columbia University, on close inspection, turned out to be a case of mistaken identity.

Don't be fooled: Harvard's neutrality pledge is just lefty butt-covering

Harvard suddenly doesn't want to comment on big issues anymore. Hmmmm, we wonder why! Could it because the school got slapped for backing Hamas?

Anti-Israel protesters caused $3M worth of damage, security costs at NYC public college

Anti-Israel criminals caused at least $3 million in damage and the need for costly extra security at taxpayer-funded City College’s campus in Upper Manhattan during their violent protests there.

No ‘there’ there in Trump case, Jewish students stand up and other commentary

“There’s just not much to the Manhattan prosecution. The penalties sought are way out of line with the offenses alleged,” and it was “brought by a prosecutor, Bragg, who campaigned...

Alan Dershowitz compares anti-Israel protests to Hitler Youth in Nazi Germany: 'They are our future leaders'

"What worries me is 10, 15 years from now, these Hitler Youth will be members of Congress, will be on the editorial board of the New York Times, will be...

Eric Adams' zoning confusion and more: Letters to the Editor — May 26, 2024

NY Post readers discuss NYC zoning laws, the Knicks' defeat and Columbia University.

Columbia encampment supplies trashed outside school alongside $1K duvet, Tiffany jewelry

Plastic bags stuffed with supplies that seem to have been intended for the Columbia anti-Israel encampments recently lined the curb for trash pickup.

On Memorial Day, a challenge for pro-Palestinian protesters: Honor the US

Hillary Clinton’s recent criticism of young pro-Palestinian protesters — that they “don’t know very much about the history of the Middle East, or frankly about history in many areas of the world,...