chemical weapons

Army’s new fabric works to destroy nerve agents

Nerve agents are some of the deadliest substances on the planet. From Sarin gas, which turns the human nervous system against itself, to mustard gas, which burns on contact and...

Kurdish fighters allege Turkey used chemical weapons during cease-fire in Syria

Disturbing video has emerged of severely burned Kurdish fighters who accused Turkish forces of launching an airstrike at them with munitions containing white phosphorus during a cease-fire. The graphic footage...

Turkish forces allegedly burn Kurdish boy with white phosphorus

A Kurdish child screamed to his dad to “stop the burning” at a hospital as the 13-year-old boy writhed in pain after his skin was melted by white phosphorus allegedly...

Facebook headquarters evacuated over sarin gas scare

An emergency hazmat crew investigated the facility and at least two workers were monitored for possible exposure, but neither showed symptoms, fire officials told the outlet.

Husband tried to get chemical weapon on dark web to murder wife: FBI

A California man is accused of using the dark web in an attempt to procure a chemical weapon to murder his wife, according to federal agents. Charges were filed against...

Pompeo threatens military force over Syrian chemical weapons

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Sunday said the US wouldn't hesitate to hold the "source of the bad behavior" accountable if Syria uses chemical weapons again - and wouldn't...

White House pledges to 'respond swiftly' if Assad uses chemical weapons again

The White House on Tuesday warned Syrian President Bashar al-Assad that if he uses chemical weapons against his people again, the US and its allies “will respond swiftly and appropriately.��...

Trump wanted to 'f--king kill' Assad after chemical weapon attack: Woodward

A bellicose President Trump wanted to kill Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad after he launched a chemical weapons attack on civilians in April 2017, according to the new White House tell-all...

The US must make Putin pay for his nerve agent attack

Nearly five months after Russia’s nerve-agent attack on British soil, Washington this week finally came up with a meaningful response: major new sanctions on Vladimir Putin’s regime. The pain starts...

The world is completely unprepared for the next pandemic

The alarm was raised one month after medics noticed something odd. A new virus had been found infecting 400 people in Eastern Europe and South America. So far, 50 had...

Plutonium stolen from government contractor's car, feds have no idea where it is

Government contractors left plutonium and radioactive cesium in the back seat of a car overnight — only to return the next morning to find someone had swiped the nuclear bomb-making...

Japan executes leader of doomsday cult, several followers

TOKYO — Doomsday cult leader Shoko Asahara and several followers were executed Friday for their roles in a deadly 1995 gas attack on the Tokyo subways and other crimes, Japanese...

Sanitizing the atrocities in Syria

A United Nations commission investigating war crimes in Syria just confirmed what the world already knew to be true: The regime has committed lots of them. But Wednesday’s UN report...

Tunisian man accused of plotting ricin attack in Germany

BERLIN — German prosecutors said Thursday they've thwarted an Islamic extremist plot to launch an attack with the deadly toxin ricin. They said a 29-year-old Tunisian, identified only as Sief...

Chemical weapons watchdog chief: UN team shot at in Syria

THE HAGUE — The head of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons said Wednesday that a UN security team doing reconnaissance in Douma, Syria, came under gunfire a...

Syria's chemical attack is a warning on 'disarmament' deals

Syria is proving a thorn in the side of those who wish to claim that UN-led inspections can banish the use of banned weapons of war. After the suspected Syrian...

Russia ramping up cyberattacks in US, UK

The US and the UK issued a vague but ominous joint statement Monday charging that Russia had in recent days ramped up its cyberattacks on American and British companies and...

Inspectors blocked from chemical weapons attack site in Syria

International inspectors have been blocked from accessing the site of a deadly chemical weapons attack because Russian and Syrian authorities said they are unable to guarantee the team's safety, an...

Macron backs off claim that he convinced Trump to keep troops in Syria

French President Emmanuel Macron backed off his assertion that the United States had changed its policy on Syria after the White House rejected his claim that he had persuaded President...

Haley says chemical attack could happen in US 'if we're not smart'

United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley said the United States must continue to act "smart" when chemical weapons are used or a similar attack could happen on American soil. “This very...