charlie tebele

How NY Dems used the COVID crisis to waste YOUR money

Bill de Blasio, Andrew Cuomo and Kathy Hochul all got in on the ugly action.

De Blasio's $224.5 million in COVID 'waste' screams out for a probe

Between Gov. Andrew Cuomo's deadly failure on nursing homes, schools that were closed far too long, and Mayor de Blasio's colossal waste of money, New York's COVID response may be...

New emails show Hochul's COVID test pay-to-play still stinks to high heaven

Albany Dems, of course, are refusing to investigate. "I take her at her word," said Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins of the governor's flimsy excuses.

'Air Hochul' is just one ugly way the gov has taxpayers fund her campaign

That is, she spent roughly $2,500 for a photo op, though she also worked in a ribbon-cutting and a couple of fundraisers while in the city that day.

Cuomo 2.0: Shameless Gov. Hochul promises endless pay-to-play deals

Gov. Kathy Hochul has revealed she’s as shameless as her predecessor. Challenged by the press Wednesday on her rancid COVID-test deal with campaign donor Charlie Tebele, she doubled down: “I...

Hochul campaign hired son of donor tied to $637 million 'pay-to-play' COVID deal

The donor spent $5,150 on food, decorations and servers for a Hochul fundraiser and his wife also donated $18,000 to the governor's campaign that day.

If Hochul really wanted to crusade against fraud, she'd be ordering an investigation into . . . herself

Hochul's actually sticking the private sector with the bill for vast (and fraud-filled) jobless payouts during the pandemic.