charles rangel

Ex-Rep. Charlie Rangel, 94, questions whether Biden belongs in nursing home, not White House

"One [candidate is] a convicted felon who has no respect for the truth, for morality. The other seemed so damned confused I didn’t even know whether he knew where the...

Adams endorses Harlem Dem for City Council in heated race

“These are days when you need experience and leadership,” said Adams in front of the Harriet Tubman Memorial in Harlem Thursday. 

Late NYC Mayor David Dinkins remembered as friend and 'fighter' at Harlem tribute

Mayor David Dinkins was a "fighter for what was right," who basked in the love of adoring citizens and helped usher in New York's next generation of leaders, local dignitaries...

Cohen's lawyer has a history of embarrassing flubs

Michael Cohen’s powerhouse lawyer Lanny Davis, under fire after he “unintentionally misspoke” for a debunked story on the controversial Trump Tower meeting, has a history of making inaccurate statements —...

Rangel owes city $12K in fines for illegally posting signs

This is one sign of former Congressman Charles Rangel’s legacy. The accounting-challenged Harlem Democrat stiffed the city for $12,164 in fines amassed for improperly putting up campaign posters, stickers and...

Historic City College building sits empty with no signs of life

A historic City College building once slated to house a center dedicated to a US congressman and then a secretary of state is an empty shell with no sign of...

Paterson shows up on Rangel's FEC filings — even though he's not on campaign anymore

For the last two years, ex-Gov. David Paterson’s name could be found at the bottom of the first page of retired Congressman Charles Rangel’s filings to the Federal Election Commission,...

Adriano Espaillat wins Harlem primary for Charlie Rangel's seat

State Sen. Adriano Espaillat won a historic Democratic congressional primary in Harlem Tuesday, defeating retiring Rep. Charles Rangel’s handpicked candidate in a bitterly fought race. Espaillat beat Rangel-backed state Assemblyman...

Candidate for Rangel's seat warns of voting shenanigans

A candidate running for Rep. Charles Rangel’s congressional seat has asked federal and state prosecutors to monitor Tuesday’s primary to ensure there is no “voter suppression.” Clyde Williams, a former...

Pols attack Sharpton for 'race-baiting' in Rangel seat race

The battle to succeed scandal-scarred Rep. Charles Rangel erupted into a last-minute, internecine race war when the Rev. Al Sharpton blasted opponents of his favored candidate as “Negroes you ain’t...

Dems vying for Rangel's seat call on Bratton to resign over scandals

The leading Democratic candidates vying to succeed retiring Harlem Rep. Charles Rangel in Congress said Police Commissioner Bill Bratton should resign in the wake of police corruption scandals. During a...

Charles Rangel involved in car accident

Rep. Charles Rangel is having a tough time at home in Harlem this week: Five days after his apartment was robbed of thousands in cash and jewelry, he sideswiped a...

Is one of these congressmen the Capitol Hill whistleblower?

Political insiders are abuzz over whether one of the five Democratic congressmen retiring this year is “Congressman X.” The anonymous legislator has caused a sensation in political circles by releasing...

Charlie Rangel publicly endorses Keith Wright for his seat

Retiring Rep. Charlie Rangel blessed Assemblyman Keith Wright’s bid to succeed him Saturday and slammed Wright’s rivals for good measure. The Harlem congressman blasted Adriano Espaillat, who opposed Rangel two...

Charles Rangel pulls strings for his disgraced politician pal

Harlem Rep. Charles Rangel helped win a prison transfer for a convicted pol famously accused of billing taxpayers $177 for a bagel and a soda, from a squalid Brooklyn jail...

Ruben Diaz Jr. to make key endorsement with possible mayoral run in sight

Laying the groundwork for a possible mayoral run, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. plans to endorse Harlem Assemblyman Keith Wright to succeed Charles Rangel in Congress. The announcement is...

Bronx Dems back Keith Wright to succeed Charlie Rangel

Bronx County Democrats have endorsed Assemblyman Keith Wright in the primary battle for Rep. Charles Rangel’s congressional seat, which includes parts of Harlem, Washington Heights and The Bronx. The party’s...

Assemblyman's youth 'qualifies' him for Rangel's seat in Congress

Fifty-three-year-old former Assemblyman Adam Clayton Powell IV says the reason he’s most qualified to fill Rep. Charles Rangel’s congressional seat is because he’s so “young.” “I’m younger than all these...

SEIU backs Keith Wright to succeed retiring Charles Rangel

One of the city’s largest unions, Service Employees International Union/Local 32 BJ, is backing Harlem Assemblyman Keith Wright to succeed retiring Rep. Charles Rangel in Congress. The union represents more...

This pol owes $96,000 but is making a third run for congress

State Sen. Adriano Espaillat has launched his third run for Congress, but still hasn’t paid off nearly $100,000 in bills from his campaign of two years ago — including money...