carl heastie

Assembly Dems resist crackdown on illegal pot shops in budget

Democrats in the state Assembly are resisting a proposal to make it easier to padlock hundreds of unlicensed pot shops during state budget negotiations.

Dem Martha's Vineyard fund-raiser lands coveted spot on NY Board of Regents

State Assembly Democrats, who have the most sway in the selection process, typically defer to local powerbrokers when it comes to Regents seats -- but that tradition was broken when...

Biden aide tasked with helping NY through migrant crisis lands VIP suite at Buffalo Bills stadium as border outrage grows

Gov. Kathy Hohul's administration invited Tom Perez as one of the guests who sat in the state's cozy VIP "I Love New York" suite at Highmark stadium to watch the Jan....

New York's racial reparations idiocy

NY Gov. Kathy Hochul's “reparations” panel launches and it's a guaranteed recipe for adding to racial divisions.

NY Dems could vote to scrap redistricting maps -- something that may create 'major repercussions' for control of House

Assembly Democrats huddled for almost two hours on a Zoom meeting called by Speaker Carl Heastie Friday to discuss whether to approve or shoot down tweaked new maps drawn by...

City legislators must step up to make Albany help NYC handle migrants

Mayor Eric Adams faces a monster $7 billion shortfall beginning July 1, and he’s threatened all sorts of grim fixes.

Hochul's new reparations commission is a divisive lefty pipe dream

In short, the most powerful people in the state. All of them black. There to watch the governor sign a bill to study how disenfranchised black people are in New...

NY Assembly Dems hit up donors with early fundraiser before start of '24 session

Speaker Carl Heastie and Democrats who run the state Assembly can't wait to get back to the state capital in Albany -- to hold a fat cat fundraiser the opening of...

What'll it take to get Albany to heed DA David Soares' pleas to save lives?

Albany District Attorney David Soares blames the Raise the Age law in the case of Aalias Gilbert, 17, who pleaded guilty to murder after having several previous run-ins with the...

NY Assembly speaker feeling out lawmakers on state-issued migrant work permits — 'if it's legal'

The internal polling of Democrats who control the Assembly suggests momentum is growing to speed up work permits for migrants while they apply for asylum.

Does Carl Heastie realize he's making his own voters want to flee New York?

A recent poll reported over 70% of Bronx voters saying they’d like to high-tail it out of New York.

New York's lazy Legislature can't be bothered to work

New York state lawmakers now all draw full-time, six-figure pay — having voted it to hike it 29% to a $142,000 base last December in a special session.

David Paterson's grim warning for business- and landlord-hating Democrats

Ex-NY governor David Paterson has grim news for progressive Democrats who hate landlords and businessmen.

Why Heastie & Co. are so proud of blocking new housing for desperate NYers

Carl Heastie and Andrea Stewart-Cousins double down on opposition to building new housing in the face of the New York housing crisis.

Yet more teens killing teens — as Hochul & Co. stand by flawed Raise the Age law

New Yorkers are right to be horrified by the explosion of gun violence involving teen shooters and victims over the past few days.

Another self-defense bust: Letters to the Editor — July 11, 2023

The Issue: A CVS employee who was charged with murder after he stabbed a shoplifter who attacked him. When will the New York state Legislature wake up and begin to...

Ever more teen shooters and victims: Blame Heastie's Raise the Age

Gunfire continued to erupt in New York City this weekend as a 5-year-old girl sitting in her father’s car was shot, Wesley Vasquez, 15, was shot dead at Riverbank State...

Bronx pol admits fellow Dems went too easy on shoplifters: 'It's a real issue'

Democrats went easy on shoplifters instead of dealing with the theft epidemic during the 2023 legislative session, one liberal lawmaker who pushed for a crackdown admitted.

Kids need dads and more: Letters to the Editor — June 25, 2023

Readers of the Post make the case that kids need stable childhoods, China's COVID guilt and more.

NY prosecutors say 'wrongful convictions act' would upend justice system, demand Hochul veto

The proposed bill, which has already passed the state Senate, would make it much easier for people to challenge criminal convictions even when they pleaded guilty.