Buffalo Billion

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's 'economic development' lesson for New York pols

New York has seen big corporations leave — and it’s facing monster budget gaps for the coming years. It’s not hard to explain the difference.

Biden’s book-cooking on migrants, fix the NEA’s outdated charter and other commentary

President Biden reports that his border security plan is working, when it reality the issue appears to be getting worse.

Memo to Gov. Hochul: Don't repeat SolarCity fiasco

Rational economic development strategy focuses on creating an attractive business climate — low taxes; reasonable and predictable regulations; reliable, low-cost power.

Supreme Court tosses fraud conviction of Andrew Cuomo pal Joe Percoco

The U.S. Supreme Court has tossed out the fraud conviction of Joseph Percoco, the one-time powerful top aide and longtime pal of ex-Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Supreme Court likely to toss conviction of ex-Andrew Cuomo crony

The US Supreme Court appears poised to overturn the corruption conviction of a former top aide to ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo in a pair of "pay-to-play" fraud schemes.

Ex-Suny Poly prez released from prison after 'Buffalo Billion' conviction

Prisons records show Kaloyeros was cut loose on Saturday, July 2 along with three other men – Joseph Geraldi, Steven Aiello and Louis Ciminelli — implicated in the notorious scheme...

SCOTUS agrees to review corruption case against ex-Cuomo aide Percoco

Joe Percoco was convicted for accepting more than $300,000 from companies that wanted power from the former governor's administration.

Andrew Cuomo can't stop spinning self-serving lies

Disgraced ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo recently took to the pages of the Daily News to claim New York would be far better off if he hadn't been forced out.

Buffalo billions: Hochul went $4B over budget to get Bills stadium, bail tweaks

Gov. Kathy Hochul agreed to boost her proposed budget by $4 billion in exchange to help build a new Buffalo Bills stadium and slightly fix the bail-reform law, sources told...

Fed appeals court upholds bribery conviction of Cuomo aide Joe Percoco

A federal appeals court in Manhattan upheld the public corruption conviction of Joe Percoco, a former top aide and close personal confidante to disgraced ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

Andrew Cuomo's long record of failing New York

Gov. Andrew Cuomo always painted himself as New York’s rock — the one guy who could keep the state together, the man holding off the lunacy of the far left,...

Good riddance to fake-moderate Cuomo, but beware hard left's pounce

As his own biggest fan, Gov. Andrew Cuomo is the only New Yorker who doesn’t seem to understand that he’s toast. Whether he preserves a scrap of grace by stepping...

Anti-biz NY loses out again — as upstate chipmaker invests in . . . Singapore

Good news: Upstate chip manufacturer GlobalFoundries is investing $4 billion in a new factory. Bad news: The factory will be located in . . . Singapore. Not New York.

Lease out the Thruway: Better for NY than Cuomo's 'economic development' disasters

Gov. Cuomo is going to have to find some new tricks to plug the projected $14.5 billion hole in the state budget: The $60 billion he’s begging Congress for is...

More 'Buffalo Billion' woes as audit finds Cuomo boondoggle a waste of tax money

Gov. Andrew Cuomo's signature program to revive the long-stalled upstate economy, the scandal-plagued "Buffalo Billion," has yet to produce promised jobs and was marred oversight failures that allowed tax dollars...

How Cuomo blew NY's high-tech success

If New York state government has had any real success with its economic development efforts over the last two decades, it’s in fostering a nanotech industry in the Capital area....

Cuomo hails new bid to remove taint of 'Buffalo Billion' failure

ALBANY — Following a failed economic development project that wasted millions of taxpayer dollars, an empty upstate-based field will finally gain a tenant state officials announced Monday. Over a six-year...

Cuomo's Buffalo Billion-tainted Tesla Solar City faces audit

Just when Gov. Andrew Cuomo thought he was done with "Buffalo Billion"... State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli is conducting a sweeping audit of New York’s high-tech programs that will include a...

New York is about to miss this great chance to boost its economy

Gov. Cuomo’s selection of Eric Gertler to head New York’s economic-development agency offers the state a golden opportunity to rejigger its approach to the economy — and find new ways...

Cuomo gives SUNY audit power to comptroller in wake of 'Buffalo Billion' scandal

ALBANY — Gov. Cuomo made good Friday on an agreement restoring the state comptroller’s pre-audit powers over economic development projects tied to the state and New York City university systems —...