brussels terror attack

Passenger takes selfie just before car mows down Muslim woman

A passenger in the car that plowed into a Muslim woman over the weekend in Brussels was apparently unfazed by cops pointing their guns at him, taking the opportunity to...

Muslim woman run down at protest

Warning: Video includes graphic content A Muslim woman was purposely run over by a driver who plowed through a Belgian police checkpoint Saturday during a far-right protest in the...

Belgium charges third suspect with terrorism over foiled attack plot

A third suspect was charged with terrorist activities in a foiled plot for another terror attack in France, Belgian prosecutors said Saturday. The 33-year-old Belgian man, identified only as Y.A.,...

Terrorist 'refused to blow himself up' during Paris attacks

Salah Abdeslam, the Paris attacks suspect who was arrested in Brussels last month, refused to blow himself up on the day of the attacks, his brother Mohamed told French news...

NYPD warned the Dutch about Brussels bombers, not the FBI

The NYPD – and not the FBI -- provided critical information to its Netherland counterparts about the two Brussels suicide bombers that had been overlooked before the deadly terror attack,...

Cooperating Paris terrorist Salah Abdeslam will be ISIS target No. 1

Suspected Paris terrorist Salah Abdeslam announced Thursday that he’ll sing to French authorities, making him an ­instant target of the ISIS butchers he once served. The soon-to-be stool pigeon, apprehended...

Air Force wife among Americans killed in Brussels attack

Gail Minglana Martinez, a Texas native and wife of an Air Force lieutenant colonel, was one of the people killed in the Brussels attacks, a US congressman said Wednesday. Martinez,...

FBI warned Dutch police about Brussels terrorists before attacks

The FBI provided Dutch police with information about two jihadist brothers a week before they blew themselves up in the Brussels terror attacks, officials said Tuesday. Dutch authorities learned of...

Video shows terrorist brothers partying at club before attacks

Brahim and Sala Abdeslam were just two brothers boozing it up and cavorting with girls in a Brussels nightclub – nine months before they took part in the Paris terror...

How terror is upending politics in America and Britain

The Brussels terrorist attacks, savage evidence of terrorism’s continuing global threat, will inevitably cause political turmoil across Europe and America. On both sides of the Atlantic, rising sentiment against indiscriminately...

Gloves found on bus may belong to Brussels terrorists

Two gloves found on a bus that left the Brussels Airport shortly after a deadly ISIS terror attack are believed to have been worn by the suicide bombers, according to...

Belgium releases suspect directly linked with attacks

A man widely reported to be the third individual in CCTV footage of two suspected suicide bombers at Brussels airport was released on Monday for lack of evidence. Belgium's federal...

Brussels terror attack's 'man in the hat' still a mystery Belgian authorities released new video on Monday of the mysterious "man in the hat" calmly pushing a luggage cart moments before bombs went off at Zaventem Airport in Brussels....

Ray Kelly says Belgium never got 'wake-up call' like US did on 9/11

Former NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly said Sunday that Belgium was an easy target for last week’s deadly terror attacks because the country never had a “wake-up call” like the United...

How US mosques genuinely help fight extremism

In the wake of the attacks in Brussels, experts have speculated that the presence of Saudi-funded mosques in Belgium have made it one of the hotbeds of Islamism in Europe....

Riot breaks out during Brussels bombings shrine

BRUSSELS — Belgian riot police clashed Sunday with hundreds of right-wing hooligans at a temporary shrine honoring victims of the Brussels suicide bombings, as investigators launched fresh anti-terror raids, taking...

Brussels march postponed over safety concerns

A “March Against Fear” in Brussels planned for Easter Sunday was postponed after officials pleaded with residents not to attend because police are stretched thin investigating the terror attacks. Event...

Two left feet: Obama's week of 'bad optics' really just bad leadership

To be a president means regularly to find oneself caught off balance. Sometimes you want to chill at the same moment your enemies move to kill. You may find yourself...

Brussels is what happens when liberals don't push immigrants to integrate

On Tuesday, when Islamist suicide bombers blew themselves up in Brussels, killing 35 innocent people and injuring 240, the European Union’s foreign policy representative, the Italian Federica Mogherini, happened to...

Obama dances as the world reels from (more) terror attacks

As soon as the terror in Brussels ended, the post-terror rituals began. Photos and videos of the carnage emerged, victims were given names and faces and allies expressed their sorrow...