broken windows

Debating fantasies in the Brooklyn DA race

All six Democratic candidates for Brooklyn district attorney are united on a couple of policing issues — but one is moot, and the other is a fantasy. The race includes...

The NYPD delivers New York's safest year yet

Proving yet again that smart policing makes a huge difference, the NYPD in 2016 delivered record lows in crime — continuing a decades-long local trend even as other major US...

Hillary Clinton's completely wrong about 'racist' policing

Hillary Clinton repeated her incessant lie Monday that the criminal-justice system is infected with “systemic racism.” Race “determines” how people are “treated in the criminal justice system,” she said. Blacks...

Bratton blasts stop-and-frisk critics

Outgoing Police Commissioner Bill Bratton took a parting shot Monday at critics of the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk and broken-windows policies. "The advocates out there that want to do away with broken...

Bratton's blast back at the IG's smear of the NYPD

Police Commissioner Bill Bratton is leaving office with a ringing defense of the policing strategies he championed to bring city crime down to record lows. A 38-page report, “Broken Windows...

NYPD issues stinging rebuttal in defense of 'Broken Windows'

The NYPD fired back at Mayor Bill de Blasio’s hand-picked police watchdog on Wednesday, arguing that his report slamming the department’s “Broken Windows” quality-of-life enforcement was dead wrong. The department...

President Obama finally wakes up and defends America's cops

President Obama has written an open letter to law enforcement, telling officers, “We have your backs.” His pledge of support, released late Monday, comes as the nation reels from the...

New York's latest crime drop proves yet again that Broken Windows policing works

How many decades of crime statistics will it take before even the most deaf-and-dumb cop critics finally accept the fact that Broken Windows policing works? The latest evidence came Monday...

Cops write fewer tickets for loud disturbances as complaints rise

New Yorkers want their neighbors to pipe down — and the cops to listen up. City dwellers made 80,752 noise complaints in the first three months of this year, up...

Bill Bratton still believes in 'broken windows' policing

A city Department of Investigation “broken windows” report suggesting that quality-of-life policing doesn’t work is “deeply flawed” and the NYPD won’t be taking away any lessons from it, Police Commissioner...

NYPD's Broken Windows policing does not reduce felony crime

Mayor de Blasio’s official NYPD watchdog claimed that quality-of-life policing wasn’t responsible for the city’s record-low crime rates in what officials called an “independent” report on Wednesday. But department brass...

'Broken windows' policing doesn't target minorities, it saves them

Proactive policing — also called “broken windows” policing — is under attack. One of the most effective remedies against urban anarchy over the past two decades, broken windows quells public...

Nabbed turnstile jumper wanted for 1990 attempted murder Cops busted a turnstile jumper who turned out to be a fugitive wanted for attempted murder, police said. Anibal Vargas, 65, of The Bronx was nabbed Thursday afternoon at...

City Council finalizes bills easing penalty for peeing in the street

The City Council wants to slash maximum sentences for littering, drinking and peeing in public as part of a plan to go easy on quality-of-life violations — while trying to...

AG Loretta Lynch wants to let nation break law without consequences

As New York moves to decriminalize low-level offenses, arguing enforcement is “rigged against communities of color,” other large cities are coming under pressure from the Justice Department to do the...

Reduction in arrests eases workload for city prosecutors

NYPD policies limiting arrests of low-level offenders have lightened the load for city prosecutors. The number of Criminal Court arraignments fell 11.6 percent from 351,511 to 314,815 in 2015, continuing...

Decriminalization of quality-of-life offenses may not last: Bratton

Police Commissioner Bill Bratton left the door open Wednesday to rolling back a new initiative designed to cut arrests for drinking and urinating in public, saying he’d turn up the...

Manhattan DA hands another win to the cop-bashers --- with Bill Bratton's support

Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance Jr. just put up a white flag in the battle to defend the NYPD against the cop-bashers — with the public support not just of Mayor...

Bratton commends cops for 'spitting' murder suspect arrest Police Commissioner Bill Bratton tweeted his praise for the four cops who cuffed a Brooklyn murder suspect when they stopped him for spitting on a subway platform Thursday evening....

Man busted for spitting in subway was wanted for murder

A murder suspect’s three months on the loose came to an end at a Brooklyn subway station when he was stopped for the smallest of violations — spitting. Transit cops...