broken windows

Blame woke pols for the nation's needless spike in murders

Leftist politicians have been carrying out a high-stakes experiment in real time, and the results are in: Woke policies make America more dangerous, writes former Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Washington Square Park mini-dystopia is a preview of a Maya Wiley mayoralty

You think Washington Square Park is bad? Picture this: It’s July 1, 2022, and Mayor Maya Wiley’s new budget diverts $1 billion from the NYPD to her brand-new Department of...

How broken-windows policing could've saved Rosalee Sanchez's life

Rosalee Sanchez, 19, didn’t have to die. She was bludgeoned, stabbed and strangled in Lower Manhattan’s old Fulton Street Fish Market early this month. The teen’s death was preventable, or...

The rush to legalize prostitution

In his other horrific idea on policing this week, Mayor Bill de Blasio jumped aboard the sex-work-decriminalization bandwagon. Legal prostitution: Just the thing to add more decay to the the...

Blame BLM for Gotham’s sidewalk chaos

What’s the cause of the “mayhem in the streets” that has taken over sidewalks in the outer boroughs? Sure, everyone points the finger at the incompetence and stupidity of Mayor...

'Broken' city: How New York forgot the ABCs of public virtue

We’re living in an upside-down city: Wrong is right. Cops are villains. Criminals are victims. Virtues are vices. The Greek philosopher Aristotle said virtuous behavior (or “excellence,” as he also...

NYC Councilman Ben Kallos' profile in cravenness

City Councilman Ben Kallos recently managed to permanently debunk any rumor that he has a spine. The Manhattan Democrat, already running in next year’s borough president race, sent out a...

Councilman Ben Kallos apologizes for praising broken windows policing

Profiles in courage, it is not. An Upper East Side City Councilman swiftly apologized when his insistence on cleaning up graffiti made it appear that he had praised "broken windows"...

How NYC championed broken windows policing and threw it away: Goodwin

In the event the goon squad trashing New York and other cities puts me under a hot light and demands I say nice things about their “movement,” I’m ready. I...

Biden-Harris is a stinker and other commentary

Campaign watch: Biden-Harris Is a Stinker Any presidential running mate “should first and foremost ‘do no harm,’ ” Republican consultant Bradley A. Blakeman observes at, yet Joe Biden’s pick, Kamala...

Suspect broke 63 MTA subway car windows over three months, cops say

Sometimes it's OK to bash the MTA — but not like this! Police are searching for a man they believe smashed 63 MTA subway car windows over the course of...

House resolution lumps 'broken windows' with police brutality

A resolution introduced by House Democrats -- and supported by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and many other members of New York's congressional delegation -- links “broken windows” enforcement against low-level crimes...

With squeegee men back, NYC's bad old days can't be far behind

Mayor Bill de Blasio was vague about what was at risk when he called on New Yorkers this month to “save our city.” Yet The Post’s report Monday on the...

Crime is up — and it feels like the city is headed back to the 1970s

There’s a terrific hyperlocal Web site for my Manhattan neighborhood called West Side Rag, which tells you about restaurants that are opening and closing, controversies erupting over new construction or...

Former Bloomberg, Giuliani aides blame de Blasio policies for homeless violence

The blame for a growing, more violent homeless population on city streets rests squarely with current City Hall policies, officials with the Giuliani and Bloomberg administrations said. “There’s been an...

San Francisco is beating farebeating with tactics NYC abandoned

Three months ago, the Bay Area Rapid Transit system that serves San Francisco and surrounding counties launched a “blitz” to deter morning rush-hour fare evasion at four stations. The results...

The criminologist who saved New York

Law-abiding residents of high-crime neighborhoods keep proving criminologist George Kelling right. Kelling died Monday at his home in New Hampshire. He was 83. Go to a police-community meeting in any...

The secret of Eva Moskowitz's Success Academy

What does Son of Sam have to do with New York public education? More than you’d expect — and I swear this isn’t a joke about unfireable teachers in rubber...

NYC is tossing a mountain of 'broken windows' warrants

“Broken Windows” is getting smashed to pieces. Starting next month, the city is tossing 700,000 old warrants seeking arrest for low-level crimes such as public urination, sources said — reversing...

How our leaders are piling on the risks for cops

Let us be clear about one thing: Responsibility for the assassination of Police Officer Miosotis Familia in the Bronx early Wednesday lies with the man who pulled the trigger — career...