broken windows

NYPD nab of alleged migrant gang leader proves broken-windows policing works

Victor Parra, the suspected co-ringleader of a migrant gang, was nabbed last week after three months on the lam for failing to wear a helmet. Broken windows policing works!

NYC serious crimes hit levels unseen in two decades last year even as Mayor Adams claims 'crime is down'

The shocking new figures from an NYPD internal report, which was obtained by The Post, shows that the overall major offenses in 2023 jumped up to 127,111 over the last...

P for plagiarism, not president: Letters to the Editor — Dec. 19, 2023

NY Post readers discuss the allegations of plagiarized material in Harvard President Claudine Gay’s doctoral thesis.

How to halt New York's ubiquitous illegal pot blight

There have now been a reported more than 8,000 unlicensed “dispensaries” that are now currently operating in the Big Apple.

Restore 'Broken Windows' policing to close the window on crime

New Yorkers must demand a return to “broken windows” policing so that crime and disorder can be brought back under control once again.

NYPD's new boss needs to restore broken-windows policing and boost quality of life

Here is new NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban's first order of business: Restore broken-windows policing and focus like a laser on the quality-of-life offenses.

Booze tickets surge under Adams to 10,000 in the past year with NYPD's return to 'broken windows' policing

The tally has reached nearly 10,000 tickets for booze since the NYPD upped enforcement on quality of life offenses last year, according to a Post data analysis that shows.

Yes: This IS the most lawless Gotham's ever been

Visionaries, like former Police Commissioner Bill Bratton, helped mayors from all political backgrounds establish order in this way. We can do it again.

Deer breaks into family's home through front window, jumps on bed

Deputies arrived at a Michigan home to find a deer standing on a bed.

NYC cops tackling more 'quality of life' issues, top police official says

Outgoing NYPD Chief of Department Kenneth Corey this week touted the department’s move to ramp up its quality-of-life enforcement earlier this year – although the revolving door criminal justice system...

Unlawful assembly! Cops ignore Mayor Adams' no-congregating order

If Hizzoner and Commissioner Keechant Sewell truly mean to motivate idling foot soldiers, it will take more than a memo to the rank-and-file.

'Almost deja vu' Adams patrols subways with NYPD cops amid surge in transit crime

Adams says that when he was a transit cop on patrol, he was always on the lookout for potential victims -- and freely admits having profiled people.

Hey, subway cops: Arrest the mango merchants after you get real bad guys

NYPD’s mango-sale crackdown at a Brooklyn subway station was just goofy when cops seem unable or disinclined to go after the real bad guys terrorizing straphangers.

Spare us the faux outrage over Adams being the new Giuliani on crime — we should be so lucky!

The city’s progressive cabal and the liberal media claim Mayor Eric Adams' unfolding public-safety policies amount to Giuliani-era failures -- but safety results say otherwise.

Just how backwards can criticism of Eric Adams' return to 'broken windows' policing get?

All too predictably, the Legal Aid Society is attacking the NYPD's renewed “quality of life” policing.

NYPD going 'back to what works'? Yay!

The mayor took office Jan. 1, having won on promises to get crime under control, but it’s still rising. Time for dramatic action.

'Back to what works': NYPD revives 'broken windows' policies as Adams fumes over bloody weekend shootings

Mayor Adams summoned Police Commissioner Keechant Sewell and Chief of Department Kenneth Corey to City Hall to answer for the surge in bloodshed that left 29 people wounded.

MoMA's tough policies are an exhibit on how to maintain order

MoMA didn’t worry itself overmuch about the “help he needs,” though. It sacrificed the privilege of one disturbed person to safeguard the environment for everybody else.

Stick to your promise and have cops' backs, Mayor Adams

While the Big Apple’s crime wave continues to rise, Mayor Eric Adams must prove he has the NYPD’s backs against New York’s bail law and soft-on-crime policies, Michael Goodwin laments.

Meet the former stripper running for Congress as a soft-on-crime candidate

An ex-stripper and progressive from New York left behind her platform shoes for a political platform -- running for Congress in Philadelphia's troubled 3rd District.