
Air Force on duty to hunt for kidnapped schoolgirls

NAIROBI, Kenya — A US military spokesman says that the 80 personnel deployed to Chad to help find nearly 300 kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls are from the Air Force and have...

Nigerians fight back

The world’s been put to shame. By a bunch of Nigerian villagers. Ever since Boko Haram kidnapped 276 innocent girls from their school in northern Nigeria, all we’ve heard is...

Nigeria rejects Boko Haram prisoners swap for kidnapped girls

Nigeria's President Goodluck Jonathan has rejected the idea of a swap of Boko Haram prisoners for schoolgirls who were kidnapped by the Islamist group a month ago, Britain's minister for...

Nigerian vigilantes are killing Muslim terrorists

BAUCHI, Nigeria — Villagers in an area of Nigeria where Boko Haram operates have killed and detained scores of the extremist Islamic militants, who were suspected of planning a fresh...

Ditched by feminists: Throwing women under the bus

It’s a woman’s prerogative to change her mind. And feminists seem to have embraced this message wholeheartedly. According to the latest memo from feminist headquarters at Smith College, right- (er,...

Where was Hillary? Giving Boko Haram a pass

Hillary Clinton took to Twitter last week to excoriate Boko Haram’s kidnapping of 200 schoolgirls, using the now-ubiquitous hashtag #BringBackOurGirls. If there’s any natural enemy of the girl-hating, anti-education Nigerian...

Terrorists release video of kidnapped schoolgirls

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBFtf_AcBFg A new video from Nigeria’s Boko Haram terrorists shows about 100 girls in Muslim hijabs and reciting the Koran — and the leader of the kidnappers apparently offering to...

Escaped Nigerian student says abduction was 'too terrifying for words'

BAUCHI, Nigeria — One of the teenagers who escaped from Islamic extremists who abducted more than 300 schoolgirls says the kidnapping was "too terrifying for words," and she is now...

Stop making excuses for Islamist extremist monsters

When it comes to fanatical Islam, we’re entranced by the symptoms but refuse to name the disease. The extremes to which Western elites will go to avoid blaming radical Islam...

Michelle Obama: Girls' abduction was an 'unconscionable act'

WASHINGTON — Michelle Obama on Saturday criticized the kidnapping of scores of Nigerian schoolgirls as an "unconscionable act" carried out by a terrorist group she said is determined to keep...

Nigeria knew schoolgirls would be kidnapped

Nigerian security forces had hours of advance warning that hundreds of schoolgirls were in danger of abduction, but left the girls as “sitting ducks” out of fear of Boko Haram’s...

Brave schoolgirls who escaped Muslim terrorist captors revealed

BAUCHI, Nigeria — The government of a Nigerian state identified 53 girls who escaped a mass kidnapping by Islamic militants, potentially subjecting the girls to stigma in this conservative society....

Anne Hathaway joins rally to free kidnapped girls

Anne Hathaway joined the worldwide outcry to rescue the nearly 300 schoolgirls kidnapped in Nigeria. The “Les Misérables” star and husband Adam Shulman led a “Bring Back Our Girls” rally...

Warring on women

"The connection between violence, particularly violence against women, and Islam is too clear to be ignored. We do no favors to students, faculty, nonbelievers and people of faith when we...

Obama: I want to reach out and save the kidnapped Nigerian girls

President Obama said he wakes up thinking of the Nigerian schoolgirls abducted by Islamist extremists and facing a life as sex slaves, and wishes he “could reach out and save...

US sends team to Nigeria to find kidnapped school girls

WASHINGTON — US Secretary of State John Kerry is pledging to do everything possible to help return to their families more than 300 Nigerian girls who were kidnapped from their...

Nigerian president vows to rescue kidnapped schoolgirls

ABUJA - Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan pledged on Thursday to find more than 200 schoolgirls abducted by Islamist rebels, as the hostage crisis overshadowed his opening address to a major...

US 'must act now' to save kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls

The United States must launch an immediate rescue effort to save the abducted Nigerian schoolgirls from sex slavery and forced marriages to their Islamic extremist kidnappers, politicians and terrorism experts...

Bring home the kidnapped schoolgirls

Once again, Islamist terrorists have zeroed in on what they regard as a mortal threat: girls going to school. Now these men are threatening to sell into slavery the 300...

Michelle Obama tweets for girls kidnapped by Muslim terrorists

First Lady Michelle Obama on Wednesday joined hundreds of thousands of others who used the Twitter hashtag #BringBackOurGirls to draw attention to the nearly 300 kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls. “Our prayers...