
The power -- and the impotence -- of social media

United Airlines’ travails this week are certainly a sign of the power of social media. But other news shows the stark limit of that power: Friday was the third anniversary...

21 girls returned -- now #BringBack the rest

“As you can imagine, the parents were ecstatic. They were in tears. . . . A mother carried her [released] daughter on her back and held her wrapped around her back for...

Second kidnapped Nigerian girl rescued after more than 2 years

ABUJA - A second girl who was among more than 200 schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram in a raid on their school in the northeastern Nigerian town of Chibok more...

Girl kidnapped by Boko Haram found traumatized, with baby

LAGOS, Nigeria — One of the teenagers kidnapped by Boko Haram extremists over two years ago from a school in northeastern Nigeria has been found with a baby and was...

Video appears to show kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls alive

LAGOS, Nigeria — A schoolmate says she cried with joy when she saw a Boko Haram video appearing to show some of Nigeria's kidnapped Chibok girls, with images of tearful...

Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls

MAIDUGURI, Nigeria — The leader of Nigeria's Islamic extremist group Boko Haram has denied agreeing to any cease-fire with the government and said more than 200 kidnapped schoolgirls all have...

Boko Haram to release schoolgirls as part of truce

The global campaign to free more than 200 Nigerian schoolgirls who were kidnapped and threatened with slavery appears to have been a success — with officials saying Friday their ­release...

Muslim terrorists are abducting schoolboys in Nigeria

Suspected Islamist Boko Haram fighters have abducted dozens of boys and men in a raid on a remote village in northeast Nigeria, loading them onto trucks and driving them off,...

Nigerian president meets parents of kidnapped schoolgirls

Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan on Tuesday finally met with the parents of 219 schoolgirls kidnapped by Islamic terrorists — but the meeting came too late for seven parents killed when the...

11 parents of Nigeria's abducted girls dead in attacks

LAGOS, Nigeria — About a dozen parents of the more than 200 kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls will never see their daughters again. Since the mass abduction of the schoolgirls by Islamic...

63 kidnapped females have escaped Boko Haram

MAIDUGURI, Nigeria — Officials say 63 girls and women abducted by Islamic extremists two weeks ago have escaped. Nigerian security forces and federal government officials had denied reports of another...

Goodluck Nigeria

When in April the Islamist group Boko Haram abducted nearly 300 girls from their school in northeast Nigeria, it commanded global attention and sparked a #BringBackOurGirls movement. But the girls...

Killer bees and snakes the latest weapons in fight against Boko Haram

Boko Haram insurgents believe the ghosts of their victims are coming back to murder them in the form of killer bees and snakes. Nigerian newspaper Vanguard is reporting that several...

Pop star would offer Muslim terrorists her virginity for kidnapped girls

Nigerian pop singer Adokiye said she would sacrifice her virginity to the Boko Haram militants, led by Abubakar Shekau, in exchange for the return of the hundreds of schoolgirls they...

60 females, 31 males abducted by Islamic extremists in Nigeria

MAIDUGURI, Nigeria — Witnesses say Islamic extremists have abducted 60 more girls and women and 31 boys from villages in northeast Nigeria. Security forces denied the kidnappings. Nigeria's government and...

Extremist supporters mock Michelle with '#BringBackOurHumvee'

https://twitter.com/Patrick_Baz/status/479164318974746624 Now they’re thumbing their noses at the first lady. Supporters of extremists battling the Iraqi government posted a doctored photo on Twitter Wednesday of Michelle Obama holding a sign...

Four kidnapped schoolgirls escape Boko Haram, Nigeria says

Four Nigerian school girls kidnapped by Boko Haram last month have escaped, an education commissioner for Borno state said on Wednesday. Commissioner Musa Inuwa declined to give details on the...

US Special Forces fear #bringbackourgirls will send them into Nigeria

US special forces commanders are worried that their elite troops will be ��tweeted” into combat in Nigeria, a new report said Tuesday. The Twitter hashtag #bringbackourgirls became an international rallying...

Nigeria's president rejects deal to free kidnapped schoolgirls

Nigeria’s president flat out rejected a deal to free the 300 kidnapped schoolgirls — ​​even after watching a video in which the terrified victims begged him to save their lives with...

Nigerian army claims to know whereabouts of abducted girls

Nigeria's military knows where the more than 200 girls abducted by Boko Haram are but has ruled out using force to rescue them, the state news agency quoted Chief of...